Chapter 9

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"You know your way home from the airport, right?" Connor sassed me like always.

"Don't worry. I could just cry by the highway side if I lost it and someone would easily stop over to pick me up because I am that adorable."

"Hahaha." Toby laughed from behind me, he was helping with my other stuff. "She has the point."

"Well, I wouldn't stop." Connor complained.

"That's why you're not invited." I pinched his nose and he groaned because never liked to be pinched.

"Or I could just fly-"

"Riley, stop." I shook my head. "Feel sorry for your brothers a bit. They must be praying we'd stop at one point."

"Ha." Connor raised his hand in agreement.

"Cool. Everything's packed. Let's go!" I cheered.

Since the guys still had two more days in Hawaii and I bet they're dying to explore more spots, they decided to have a car. So smart, why didn't think about it earlier. So with the GPS help, Connor drove us to the airport.

"How can you be so happy to come home? Vacation's over for you." Riley asked.

"Because I've had a good time?" I smiled. "Why would I be sad? Hawaii was beautiful and thank you once again for taking me with you guys."

"Can I come over to your house when we come back? I'm dying for-"

"Marshmellow toast." I cut Toby's words. "Dude, doors are opened."

"Hey, I'm supposed to-" Riley got cut in his own throat while tried to defend his 'territory'. "Never mind."

"Never mind what?" Toby smirked.

"Nah, I can find my own way in." He pouted.

I laughed a lot in this car. These guys, they knew something was happening between me and Riley, especially from last night's park bench and full moon hang, but Toby and Connor were too lazy to guess - maybe because it was too easy. Then there's Riley who kept giving clues even while I was around. He's now being more open to everything related to me; 5-inch distant, side-hugs, hair strokes, cheek kisses, gazes, and whatever in between. And yes, his even tiniest little move towards me made me beyond nervous and excited all at once. Not that I wasn't sad for separating from him. The only thing that kept me feeling happy was the imagination of having this little butterflies for the rest of my life, as Riley would always be this close to me, and he would come home to LA in two days anyway.


"Bye guys!" I hugged them. "Don't fight. Eat well. Don't drown in the ocean, I still can't find your duplicates."

Connor rolled his eyes. "Gonna be hard to duplicate me, babe."

"Which makes me try harder to find one." I chuckled at him. "Bye, sweet blondie."

"Bye Cath!" Toby kissed my cheeks. "In two days!"

"Marshmellow toast it is." I nodded. "And hey big guy, see you around."

"See you soon." He kissed my cheeks a little longer than Toby's. "Take care."

"Sure thing."

With no further ado - because I was literally catching the flight - I ran into the check-in counter to save life. Just perfectly in time. I waved once again to the three musketeers, then proceeded to the waiting room. Not even ten minutes later, our flight was called for boarding.

The flight seemed a little longer and more boring than the first one. I was literally alone, only by myself and this big headphones Riley lent me. But it's okay, I passed it. Once landed in LA, I quickly took all of my baggages and ran to the bus lane. Catherine felt like blending with people today.

To: Hazel Guy
Hey, arrived in one piece.

Sent. I laughed at the nickname he made for himself. It must be last night at the park bench, right after he blessed my phone with tons of selfies.

"Your girl's home!" I shouted like I always did.

"Hey sweet pie!" Mom replied from her room. "Oh look at you, tanned and happy."

"The sun was humiliating." I groaned. "But we had a good time."

"Would like to hear your stories but, shower first. Smell like humiliating sunny day." Mom slapped me back with my words.

"Alright! Until dinner, mommy."

I ran to my room and locked it. Checking phone, still no answer. Oh that's okay, they must be caught up by the beauty of Hawaii that I didn't get the chance to enjoy - maybe too beautiful that he forgot to check me.

Shower, done. It was a good one, as if I didn't have a proper one for weeks. Next up, dinner with the parents. They deserved my time and full attention, so I left my phone on my desk upstairs, hoping I would see his name when I came back.

"The banana boat was insane! That day was the scariest of all. And Connor never stopped laughing." I cursed the blondie in front of them, only because they knew what this friendship was made of; sarcastic jokes.

"People recognized them?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, the two girls from FUNraising did, and some others that we met along the way."

"Glad they have their time. Losing Tina was never easy." Mom nodded.

"Agree. For the first time I saw them being free again." I smiled in agreement. "Alright then, shall I study? Exams don't give mercy."

"True." Daddy started to help mom with the dishes. "Let me do this. You go."

"Thanks pap!" I kissed their cheeks and walked upstairs.

Heart was pounding. The moment of truth. I ignored my instinct to flip my phone and check the message, because I was scared if he didn't reply. But the more I stayed away, the louder it called for my attention.

So I did check it.

And slammed back to the wall of disappointment.

Hey, take a chill pill, Cath. The night is still young in Hawaii. Maybe they finally could explore the city without my involvement. You should stop worrying. He would eventually reply tonight before bed, right?


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