Trundle x Ashe

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The never-ending blizzard that plagued the tundra finally came to a stop, and with it, the Troll King's patience. He hollered impatiently, his booming echo enough to bury any man or beast six feet under. When he was met with no response, he grunted and stood from his icy throne, grabbing his club on the way out. With an annoyed snarl, he buried his club into the ice at his feet. "Useless, the whole lot of you."

Trundle thought he had made himself clear ever since he ascended the throne. Any human found wandering onto his territory would meet a gruesome end, like all the others. Yet, someone had the audacity to challenge him. Challenge his rule. The trolls were nowhere to be found, and he grumbled under his breath. What was the point of being king if his subjects were never around? Not that he particularly wanted them around.

He would handle this himself, as per usual. Trundle raced across the tundra, the ground quaking with his every footstep, he was quickly gaining on the intruder, Boneshiver at his side. Lunging across the tundra with a mighty roar, the troll swung his club into the ice and glanced from side to side, the human nowhere to be found. He glanced down, expecting to be met with a foolish hunter, but instead, he was met with a young girl sprawled across the ice. A bow clutched tightly in one hand, and an oddly charming smile.

"A child..." That had never stopped him before. The long and expensive fabric of her dark blue gown met his eyes, and the fur coat hugging her small body told him she must have been important. That little smile of hers made him hesitate, his club remaining seated on the ice.

"You don't look as scary as the rumors portray."

"Excuse me?"

"Your nose is very...large, though." Trundle sneered at the child and leaned in roaring in her face, but to no avail. She...giggled?

"How dare you laugh!"

"You're funny."

"I'm funny..?" For some odd reason, the Troll King was touched by her comment. Dare he say, it was perhaps the kindest thing someone had ever said to him. He couldn't let that cloud his mind, though. "Hmm, well, whatever. Leave."


"No?" he growled.

"I don't want to go home. It's dreadful, everyone is always busy, and no one has time for me. I don't want to be a warmother. I don't want to be a princess, and I don't want to be a queen either! I feel so alone."

"Don't all little girls wish to become princesses?" he questioned. "A warmother would be an even greater honor. War, blood, and glory!" Ashe didn't look convinced, and the troll gave a wicked grin. "There is nothing more thrilling than the pumping of blood as you tear a person's life from them."

"Hunting is fun, but I don't think I know what you mean." Trundle hummed to himself as he circled the child. A little princess. He wondered whether or not to put an end to her small being. She was harmless now, and he could crush her in the palm of his hand, but an odd feeling told him not to. She could grow into a real menace once age overtook her, but it felt wrong. Which again was odd, he was no saint, and certainly not new to killing children.

"I want to live with the great Troll King!" Trundle came to a halt, his thoughts fizzling as he repeated her words. No. He must have been dreaming.


"I want to live with you!"

"No," he laughed with an edge of disbelief. "Princesses do not live with trolls."

"Why not?"

"Because I said no!" The troll bared his teeth at the little girl, his booming roar, was much harsher than he intended, but his temper had slipped. He took a step back as tears bubbled in the child's eyes, and she turned around, running away. The troll sighed until he noted that she was going in the wrong direction, and it was dangerous to be wandering the tundra alone, his kin was ruthless.

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