Katarina x Talon

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Thunder roared across the night sky, thrumming through the assassin's fingers as she clutched her daggers, blood slowly pooling at the tips. Turning slowly, Katarina admired her work stepping on one of the corpses and digging her heel with contempt. Another bout of lighting illuminated the night sky, and the pouring rain only seemed to worsen. The muddy terrain was approaching a dangerous level of slickness, and the assassin retreated, preferring not to remain any longer than she had to. 

She felt a pair of eyes drilling into the back of her skull, but discreetly turning around, whoever was following her was nowhere to be seen. She trusted her gut, and so she hastened her steps, tuning into her surroundings. This was no ordinary assassin. Katarina could feel their presence, but they were silent and moved in perfect sync with the shadows. Her killer seemed content merely watching from the shadows, and until Katarina could pinpoint the exact location, she would not do anything rash. 

With a sigh, she came to a stop and peered at the night sky, contemplating her next course of action. The bottom of her shoes were already coated in mud, not to mention the slippery terrain. If she died tonight because she slid on mud, she would not be a merciful ghost. The glint of a dagger caught her attention, and Katarina evaded the blade before countering with her own, forcing the assassin to take cover behind another tree. 

"There you are," she chuckled, drawing her blades with the intent to fight. A shadowy figure dropped from the trees, and though Katarina could not see his face, she had a good idea who it was. "You again." With those words spoken, she brushed the scar running down her left eye. 

Talon didn't see fit to waste words, as he rushed at her, but to his surprise, Katarina sheathed her blades and ran. The assassin frowned but followed after her anyway, having scouted and watched her every step, he was sure no trap lay ahead. He also knew, however, that she was not one to run from a fight. 

Katarina glanced over her shoulder and was glad to find the hooded figure following after her. She calculated her steps as to not slip and made for the nearest town. It would be much easier to fight without the constant worry of an uncontrollable factor as her demise. Talon caught on and sheathed his blade, his steps hastening with the intent to stop his old friend from stealing away into an advantageous terrain. 

Unfortunately for Talon, the two assassins had been trained by the same person, and while evenly matched, she had managed to take the lead, and she sure wasn't going to lose it. Realizing he would have to settle, he kept pace behind her, scolding himself for waiting so long to ambush her. Despite her arrogant nature, Katarina was skillful in her own right, and no doubt had sensed him long before he decided to engage. The thought irked him, but there was nothing he could do about it now. She was sharper than last time. 

He remembered their last battle, she had outmatched him but was far too driven by hurt and anger to dispatch him properly. With that in mind, Talon had, in turn, spared her life, feeling undeserving of the kill. It was a mixed bag, but he didn't wholly blame Kat for her lack of composure. Her own father had sent the assassin he spent years training after her, not to mention one she had befriended. Deep down, that must have left some sort of psychological scar. 

Not that it concerned him; it was a task that he would honor. Still, Katarina worked under Swain, and while Talon felt confident in his skills, the Noxian Grand General was not a man he wanted as an enemy. Despite knowing this, General Du Couteau entrusted him with this mission, and he had no intention of disappointing his master. 

Before long, they had reached the town gates, and Katarina took to the high ground with ease, leaving the assassin in the dust. Talon smirked, feeling his heart pick up speed as he followed. Katarina may outmatch him when it came to agility, but he had the element of surprise on his side. While she was arrogant and took to the spotlight, he stuck to the shadows. 

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