Civilian Criminal

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The sirens wailed and the alarm rang piercing my ears and making them sting as I ran down the tree-shaded sidewalk. My heavy black backpack weighing me down and the bright sun beating down on me making beads of sweat run down my pale face and collect in the corners of my blush pink lips under my black ski mask. I didn't realize it was going to be so hot today or I would have rethought my wardrobe choice of black shoes, black pants, and black jacket, but the less they saw of me the better.

I could hear the sirens catching up on me so I ran across the street to a red Toyota parked outside a one of those modern houses that looked identical to all the others on the street. I pulled on the door handle and to my luck it was open. I slid my lean body into the driver seat and stopped when a glimmer caught the corner of my eye. I leaned over and looked in the cup holder, the idiot had also left the keys in the car, this was too easy. I threw the backpack in the back seat and drove away, as I did I looked out the rear view mirror and saw a woman waving her hands and running after the car, I just kept driving.

I sped back down the road I came from passing the cops as they flew down the road the way I had just been running. It seemed as if it was slow motion as the cop car passed me. We each slowly turned our heads to look at each other and when he saw who was driving I could see his eyes widen as he turned to his partner and exclaimed something. Immediately the car whipped around making a sharp U-turn and came barreling after me. It was now a high-speed chase like one you would see in a classic cops and robber's movie. As we swerved around corners at break neck speeds I wondered how this had escalated so quickly.

The last straw had probably been when the bank took my house and all the bills had been piling up and my wife left me so I robbed a bank. The plan had been perfect; I parked my car in an alley behind the bank and pulled on my ski mask. I then scaled the fire escape to the roof where I entered the building though the service stairs, making my way to the ground floor of the bank where the vault was. I hid until the coast was clear and then slipped into the vault, there was a woman then there but she did not notice me until She heard me shut the door and lock it. I pulled out my gun and told her to put all the money in the bag she did so which shaky hands as she began to cry silently but she never said anything and kept her composure well enough as if she had been through this before. As soon as I had the bag of money and was sneaking back up to stairs I immediately felt guilty but there was no going back I had the cash and had to get out of there. When I got to the roof I ran to the fire escape and quickly climbed back down only to see the cops at the mouth of the alley waiting for me, I quickly ran the opposite way leaving my leaving car.

I quickly snapped back into reality as I came speeding up to a pedestrian walkway where an old man was crossing the road. I slammed on the brakes making my car's word across the road and slammed into a street light. In seconds flat the cops had surrounded me with their guns out and someone came on a bullhorn yelling "Get out of the car slowly with your hands up". I was dazed, my head hurt and I didn't know what was going on, my ears were ringing and all I could hear was muffled yelling. My leg felt wet so I looked down to see that it was covered in blood and there was a bone sticking out and that's the last thing I saw before I blacked out.

When I woke up I was in an ambulance handcuffed to a stretcher, the paramedic had removed my mask that had been hiding my fiery red hair. Police officers standing outside the ambulance noticed I was awake and came in. "Adam Miller" he said "you are charged with robbery. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to talk to a lawyer and have him present with you while you are being questioned. If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer, one will be appointed to represent you before any questioning if you wish. You can decide at any time to exercise these rights and not answer any questions or make any statements. Do you understand each of these rights I have explained to you?" Having no other choice I said "I do." The officer walked away without saying anything else and started talking to another officer to the side of the ambulance leaving a wide open path to the woods. The one thing the police had not realized was how skinny I was and how small my wrists are, so all I had to do was simply slide my wrist out of the cuff. As soon as I was free I took off towards the woods not looking back as I heard shouts and footfall behind me.

Civilian CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now