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When Syd McMillan first got her letter, her mother threw a fit.

"Mommy..." Syd had said a few weeks before her first year. Her mother placed down her book and looked at her daughter. Syd hadn't called her mommy since she was about six, meaning she wanted something . Syd had always been very independent, never asking her mom for something unless she absolutely had to.

"Yes dear?" she replied, smiled slightly. They 11 year old was Ally's pride and joy, so she always tried to keep her happy.

"You remember the letter I got in June?" Syd said, wringing her hands together as she thought of her mothers reaction when she first received the letter, which spoke of a school for magic.

Ally had gone on and on about how "England's to far, we live in Detroit for Christ's sake!" And how "We can't send you there!". Now and then Syd heard her mom mutter "your bastard father" under her breath. This peaked Syd's interest, as Ally never spoke of her father, but thoughts of her dad soon left her mind as excitement settles in.

"Yes I remember it" said Ally, still smiling, though forced. "Why?"

"Well" started Syd, back to her usual confidence as her mother wasn't rampaging, "We're supposed to get my supplies in a place called 'diagon Alley'". Syd said, looking to her mom for confirmation.

"Yes I know, your Uncle Ricky will take you".

His name enough was to cause Syd's face to pale and stomach plunge. Rick Morrison was a nightmare come to life, nothing a child should ever deal with. When Ally charged him to babysitting Syd, he often found entertainment in using sticks and broom handles to hit the girl. He found happiness watching her wither in pain. His favourite torture method seemed to be kitchen knifes. The older man would use the knife to quickly cut multiple slits in her back and shoulders. The scars seemed to be unfading and often caused nightmares for the girl.

Syd's mother never found out though because her Uncle Ricky threatened to hurt her mom if sh told anyone. It seemed as though he had gotten a grip on his life however, as the beatings had stopped a year ago. Granted, Syd hadn't seen him for a year, and the image was fresh in her mind, along with the scars on her back.

Being the stubborn, hardheaded girl she is, Syd simply shopped by herself. Once Syd and her Uncle had arrived at the Alley, she wrenched herself from his grip and ran to the nearest store. She went to the bathroom in said store for a moment to gather herself before exiting. She walked with confidence towards the place of wands, ready to start an adventure.

Arriving to her mom's house, Syd lied and said that Uncle Ricky had dropped her off. Ally had come to terms that her daughter was going to Hogwarts and started to tell of her families magical heritage.

Turns out that her mothers family was magical, but she was born a squib, so she was very invested in both worlds. Ally told her Syd that her father was a muggle and once he found out that Ally had a magical heritage, and that it could be passed down to Syd, he left.

The shopping trip and the revaluation of her dip shit of a father had started Syd's magical adventure off to a negative start, she was determined to have it go only up from here.


"Old mind, outspoken"
The voice continued to sound in Syd's head. Before the hat had slipped over her head, she had glimpsed her new friends giving her encouraging looks.

She met Olive and Chapin (ch-aye-pin) when at the train station.  Syd had stood for a moment, wondering if she was really supposed to place her luggage here next to the train, when she felt two different people link her arms. The motion had caused her to drop her suitcase.

"We got her in time, Chapin" the girl had said.

"Thank god. Is Anátaya still following us?" Replied the boy.

"No, thank goodness".

Syd looked at the people dragging her aboard the train. They released  her once inside the train.

"Sorry about that" started the girl "but Anátaya Orlon was coming towards you with an even grin, so we thought we'd get you out of there before you met the girl". Syd smiled.

"My name's Syd" she had said to the pair, "I can assume that you guys are Olive and Chapin?"

"That's right" replied Chapin, shaking Syd's hand. Olive scrunched up her face at how formal they were being. So she promptly wrapped her arm around both of their shoulders.

"We're gonna be such great friends!" She squealed, "but we should go find a compartment because they don't look to happy".

The three turned around to see a group of annoyed students behind them , as they were holding up the isle.

The hat spoke again jerking her from her thoughts of earlier that day.

"Pain in young life..."

Syd grimaced, knowing the hat was referring to Uncle Ricky. It was bad enough she had seen him 2 weeks ago. In that time, she had managed to push it out of her mind, but the hat speaking of him only reopened an old wound.

"Loud, however stubborn..."

The girl smiled. 'Stubborn' was used to describe the girl all to often.

"I know just where I'll put you"

Syd stiffened in anticipation.

"GRYFFINDOR" The hat yelled, the voice reverberating around the room.

With her ears ringing, Syd headed to the table, filled with cheering students. It hit her that they were cheering for her. Her face broke out in a wide smile. A big red and gold banner hung above the table. A large gold lion was shown on the banner and Syd smiled. This was nice.

She watched as Olive was placed in Hufflepuff and Chapin in Slytherin. Syd cheered, but she was slightly disappointed that she and her new friends were split up. She couldn't dwell on that though, as she had a pressing question for the headmistress.
"Excuse me, but what's the wifi password?"


Life had been normal (or as normal as it could be, being magic) from then on out. Syd's friends remained to be Chapin and Olive and they went on plenty of adventures. One of these adventures was during dinner in January of first year.

The trio was disappointed that they couldn't eat dinner together as their different houses didn't allow it, so Syd took it pain herself to start a trend.

This started when Syd was growing increasingly frustrated with trying to have a lip-read conversation with her friends and she could see the frustration growing on their faces.

So, as a solution, she stood up with her plate and walked to the middle of the entry way to the great hall. Syd sat down and motioned for Olive and Chapin to join her. Olive skipped over with a smile on her face, as she could finally eat with her friends. Chapin was hesitant, but also joined smiling, glad to spend time with the pair.

The professors sent each other confused looks, but did nothing to stop the kids.

Everyday more students would also sit on the floor with their friends from different houses, turning  the entry way into a mixed house pic nic. People would bring blankets and such to sit on. And the professors did nothing, under the instruction of Headmistress Florana.

Syd was very happy with her new , extended family and her new home.

1271 words!
This is my new book and I'm very exited about it!
I hope you guys like it!
Stay fantabulous,

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