chapter 2

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                                                        patricias pov

Oh my god. Is this for real? I am the mate of the alpha king. You have got to be kidding me!!! Could life get any more complicated?? I wanted a simple life well now that seems far from possible but suddenly I felt nervous. What if he rejects me? I will not be able to face rejection. I have been waiting for a long time for my mate!! There is no reason for him to reject me.

Well let’s see what future has in store for me. At first I was shocked I paled as soon as I realised he is my mate. He looked like a greek god. He was almost 6 feet 5 with a killer body!! Okay I have got to stop drooling. I was curious about his reaction. He was taken aback for a second and then he smirked what??? Why was he smirking like a maniac? Ugh this is so annoying

"Well" he spoke clearly drawing everyone’s attention

"This get together was a planned event. I had to make an important announcement today" he said completely ignoring me!!

 Why was he ignoring me oh god why do I have a bad feeling about this.

 "As you all know our werewolf kingdom has been functioning smoothly. I have decided to sign a treaty with the vampire prince so that we can co-exist peacefully!!" he finished and everybody started murmuring.

"That’s enough" he boomed

 He looked sexy when he was pissed what the hell am I thinking?? Focus Patricia focus!! "let’s begin our dinner" he said sternly

Everybody obeyed silently and started eating as soon as he did. After a while we were done with dinner. The state alphas and alpha king spoke mildly about other things. Nobody said anything about the treaty.

"Now I would like to be excused" he said and left without even glancing at me once!!

 Why the hell is he ignoring me? As soon as he left everybody started discussing about the treaty when suddenly a butler came up to me

“Excuse me miss but the alpha king has requested your presence in his office immediately" he said.

 He called for me...Oh my god I am really scared now.

"Alright" I said and followed closely behind him. We walked through the huge hallways for about ten minutes and then he stopped

I was busy looking at the palace I did not notice him stop. Suddenly I looked up and saw "ALPHA KING" written in bold on the door.

Very well looks like I have reached my destination. I looked behind to see the butler gone great!! I knocked once and waited.

After about 2 minutes.

"Come in" a deep voice called. I pushed opened the door and entered a huge office. As I entered his amazing scent filled my nose. I did not look up to meet his eyes. I was nervous I waited for him to say something.

"Well hello my mate if I am not mistaken your Patricia Evans daughter of Donald Evans?" he questioned. I meekly nodded my head not meeting his eyes.

 "Look at me" he demanded. I slowly raise my eyes to meet his beautiful brown ones.

It was like we were in our own little world. He then suddenly looked away.

"We have got certain things to discuss" he said. My stomach twisted. What things? I was just praying for him to accept me. Damn I have become pathetic really! What the hell? I am Patricia Evans I should not care about what he thinks but then again he is the alpha kind and my mate!!

 Well let’s get straight to the point “what about?" I enquired slowly not wanting to sound desperate. He was about to say something 


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