My mate is the Alpha King??

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hey guys this is my new story...hope u enjoy it...!!

I will only continue if i get a good response so do lemme know ull like it or not



Zebadiah Dacre is the head alpha of the entire werewolf clan in the world! He is known as the king alpha and is famous as the most powerful and deadly alpha in the world. He is 26 years old.He became alpha when he was 18 years old. The title of alpha was passed on to him by his late father who was the alpha king before him.He is invincible in the werewolf world.

Every wolf has to bow to him every time they see him and they cannot make eye contact with him unless he says otherwise.He is not a cruel alpha but he is very strict and disciplined.According to him rules are meant to be followed and if they are broken then there will be consequences.

Today is the get together ceremony of all the state alphas and their families in the royal palace.They were invited to meet the alpha king.This ceremony was being held for a special reason as the alpha king had an announcement to make.This was the most anticipated event in the weerwolf world.

Patricia Evans was the daughter of the one of the alphas of the state.She was 21 years of age.Her father was worried sick about his daughter as she had not yet found her mate.Wolfs normally find their mate by 18 years of age but his daughter had no such luck.

She was a beautiful young girl who any man would kill to have. He had to protect her from unmated he-wolfs always.Therefore he wanted her to find her mate so that she could live happily and safely

Otherwise he would have to get her married which was his last resort.He wanted to see her happy and safe.Any way now he had better things to worry about like the get together which was about to take place in the royal palace.

The alpha king had an announcement to make he wondered what announcement since everything was running peacefully in the werewolf kingdom. Well lets see. All questions will be answered tonight at the event.

My mate is the Alpha King??Where stories live. Discover now