Londa Jefferson: Falling Hard All Ready

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After Graduation...

After I made my speech and all the degrees were given out, I spotted my mom, brother, sister, nephew, and godfather in the stands standing next to Monroe and who I am guessing is his associate, Chaunce waiting for us in a crowd. As Mikey and I approached the crowd, I noticed that a short Latina lady smiling in Monroe face. Now, I'm usually not the jealous type but seeing her all in his face and him looking annoyed kind of made my jealous bitch come to surface. " You take her high and I'll take her low, " MJ whispered in my ear. And that is why she is my ride or die. "Nah, I got it. Watch this," I tell her as I strutted towards Monroe. When he seen me approaching him, a smile spread across his face. " Congratulations Princess and Baby Girl," he told MJ and I. "Thank you," we said in unison. "Aww are these your girls," the Mexican woman said. I think this bitch trying to be funny, I thought to myself.

" No, I am," MJ spoke up," She's his..." she trailed off. " She's my girlfriend," Monroe finished up while pulling me into him. The Mexican woman turned her face up. "Oh," was all she better had said. He kissed my forehead and smiled. " One day, you will be mine," he whispered in my ear," you will be my wife, Londa Jefferson."

The Vacation Weekend...

Monroe and I told Mikey about me going as his company for the trip to Paris and she was just excited. " My bestie is gonna be my step-mommy," Mikey sung all the way to the landing strip where the private jet waited for us. Monroe was just smiling ear to ear and Chaunce ( pronounced Chance), Monroe's associate was looking at MJ like she was the best thing since sliced bread. He was a man in love. That's good I just hope the feelings are mutual because MJ can be selfish when it comes to her heart but who can blame her? Her ex was an egotistical asshole who really didn't deserve her. That's why when I found out he had put his hands on her, I squared up with that nigga and whooped his ass like real quick. Hence the nickname she gave "Tyson" because I popped him one time and he folded like a two dollar bill.

"Londa," Monroe said interrupting my thoughts, " we here." He was waiting for me to get out the truck with the door open and hand extended to take. He's such a gentleman I thought. Once I was seated and comfortable and the stewardess helped store our luggage. The captain made his announcements over the intercom. Afterwards, the jet took off as I watched the land disappear underneath us and the sky became our backdrop.

" You okay? You need anything? You need me to get you anything love," Monroe asked. " No, I'm good but you could sit down and keep me company since MJ and Chaunce is swapping spit," I told him. He laughed and sat across from me. I sat my feet in his lap and rubbed the top of them. " I'm glad you decided to come with us. I won't be bored and you won't be cooped up in your house by yourself," he said looking at me rubbing my feet. " I'm going to spoil..."" Monroe, I don't want you spending anything on me. I start work in September at Cape Cod NASA facility and I will be able to provide for us," I tell him. I can't stand for a man to spend money on me. " I know but I have this feeling that you are going to mean more to me in the future. I want to spoil you. I know you have your own money and you are capable of providing for yourself but I want to give you the world," he said sincerely. I was cheesing from ear to ear after that. I leaned over and kissed him. Who would've thought that I would fall in love with my best friend's father. He pulled me into his lap and just held me. I yawned once. Twice. The next thing I know I'm being shaken by Mikey telling me that we have landed in Paris, Italy. I gathered my things and was escorted to the rental car. Mikey talked all the way to the hotel. When we arrived I read " Carlton Ritz" across the building. The valet took our car and told us he will be up momentarily with our luggage. We received our room keys and went up. This is nice!

"Princess, are you hungry? You can order room service if you want. They have a very delicious steak selection," Monroe said after tipping the bellboy. "What about hamburgers," I asked. I love hamburgers. He gave that devishly sweet smile, " I'll see what I can come up with," he told me. I jumped in the shower to relieve some of the jetlag that has crept up on me. After showering and changing into some black leggings and my Texas Longhorn sweatshirt, I found Monroe sitting outside on the balcony. He looked like he was in deep thought. " A nickel for your thoughts," I stated wrapping my arms around his neck from behind. He gave a small laugh with a little smile. He unwrapped my arms from around his neck and guided me to the front of him to sit in his lap. He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. " You smell so good," he says right before he places a kiss on my neck. I felt my stomach drop to my treasure box. " I got you something," he said," and before you snap my head off; it's something you asked about earlier." He brought a Whataburger bag and large cup from the side of the chair. I snatched the bag and looked in to see what was in it. I squealed and jumped into his lap and rained kisses on his handsome face. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you," I said feeling like he just gave the keys to his truck. " Is that's all it takes to make you happy, Princess," he questioned laughing. I nodded my head while taking a huge bite of the triple meat, triple cheese, double bacon, burger with my eyes closed. I'm a serial glutneer. Not a real word but it sums it up for me. I chewed and took a sip of root beer. " Food, preferably hamburgers like this with no onion, chocolate, and Blue Bell Butter Crunch Ice Cream will give a happy girlfriend in me every time," I told him," Oh! and books. I'm a dreamer." " What made you want to be a Aero... A rocket scientist? Is that something you always seen yourself doing," he asked.

" No. I wanted to be the first black woman astronaut," I told him. " But, I'm scared of heights so the second best thing is building the machines to get them there. That and star gazing through the telescopes. Like I said, I'm a dreamer. I can only imagine what's up there," I said while gazing at the lights. " I guess that's why I'm also more of a country girl then a city girl. I mean, yeah, I like to visit big places like Houston or Paris but, when I decide to settle down and raise my family or just make a home, whichever, I want it to be somewhere in the mountains at a beach side with crystal blue water. No city lights to mess with my star gazing." I stopped talking and noticed he was just staring at me. " I'm sorry. I ramble sometimes," I started to apologize. " No, never apologize for sharing your dreams or your goals with me. You light up when you talk about it. It's nice to know that you know what you want. I retire in a few years and I wouldn't mind living somewhere like that. As long as the fishing is good and there's a small city around for necessities. I'll be good," he said while I finished off the last of my burger, fries, and drink. " You sleepy old man," I asked teasingly. He chuckled ," You got jokes?" " No sir, I was just asking because you know your daughter wants to go shopping," I was rubbing his chest. He was standing in front of me with his arms wrapped around me. " I like these pants you got on," he said rubbing the side of my thighs. " They're leggings," I said giggling. " Pants. Leggings. Either way, I like the way you wear them," he said kissing my forehead. I raised on tippy toes and pecked him on his lips. Apparently, he wanted more because before I could walk away from him, he grabbed my waist and picked me up. I automatically wrapped my legs around him. He smiled. " I bet you think I'm too old now huh," he said laughing. " I work out three days a week for two hours a day." I just kissed him. He carried me to the room and laid me across the bed, adjusting his weight on top of me. " If I say that I'm sleepy, will you stay in the bed with me," he asked as his hand crept down the front of my leggings. Before I could answer, his index finger applied pressure to the button of my treasure box. I gasped surprised of the electric shock that my toes curling and my nerves sensitive. What is he doing to me? Should I tell him to stop? I mean I am still a virgin, I was thinking. I licked my lips and nervously blurted," I'm still a virgin." The rhythm of his finger never faltered. " I know Princess. But, this isn't what this is about," he whispered in my ear. " I want to taste you. So will you stay with me?" I nodded my head because my mind can't communicate a coherent syllable. He sat me up and pulled my sweatshirt over my head, revealing my 36D breasts. I went to cover them up and Monroe grabbed my hands stopping me. " Don't hide from me, Princess. I'm man enough to love all of you," he said taking my right breast into his warm, wet mouth while massaged the other. Then he switched to the left one, giving it the same amount of attention before descending farther down, stopping to place an open-mouthed kiss on my belly button. He hooked his fingers in my leggings and pulled them down my legs, along with my boy shorts. Thank goodness I shaved two days ago. He sat on the side of the bed on his knees pulling me to him by the ankle. He kissed the inside of my right thigh and I instantly became aware of him. I looked down at him. He was staring straight at me. "You smell edible Princess," his warm breath whispered across my treasure box. I feel like I'm about to implode. How is he doing this to me , I thought. This is different. I think I like it. Oh... I caught my breath in the middle of my mind trip. I let out a low moan when his tongue made contact with my pleasure button and his lips started to suckle. I broke eye contact and bit my lip. His rhythm picked up pace and it kicked my nerves into hyper drive. It was like I was skydiving and then my body shook making my toes curl and my body taunt. Then, I was just happy and tired. I felt warm and safe all over. He got up and went to the bathroom and got a warm towel. He wiped he face and bent between my legs cleaning me gently. He pulled the covers and picked me up and placed me under the warm and soft blankets and sheets. He pulled on pair of his Nike sweats and his slides. He left out the room. I sat up and slid his t-shirt on. It smelled of him. I shifted and got comfortable. Before I knew it, I was snoring.

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