Chapter Twenty-Three: Her Mistake

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Jean Paul yawned lightly, stretching as he peered through the thick of bare branches that hid him from sight. He had been scoping the mansion and it's occupants for a couple days now, and it was safe to say that the two were well acquainted with each other. Jean Paul smirked as the sun went down, dark chocolate eyes glinting with an aggressive fire.  He had waited far too long, threats from his employer being shoved down his throat, and now he was ready to regurgitate all that frustration and complete his task.

The sun slowly descended from the sky, the sky darkening each second, the very crust of the horizon a blazing orange. From his vantage point, Jean Paul could see the lights within the mansion flicker and shadows moved around on the top level. Releasing a puff of air, Jean Paul thought about the agonizing time he spent searching for Chat's hideout with the girl.

It had take him so long, longer than most assassinations he was accustomed to completing. It was strange to him, because he was unfamiliar with the situation of having to deal with another assassin while questing for blood. More so when that assassin was trying to evade and kill him, for the matter. That, along with the tedious task of searching for his victim(s), made him extremely irritable, impatient, and eager to complete his job.

Who knew how long he waited up in that tree, waiting for all signs of movement inside the mansion to cease. And ever so slowly, as the moon rose from it's slumber and climbed higher into the sky, the lights inside starting to shut off. Shadows of movement moved slower, the grand windows shining with moonlight, silhouettes cascading upon the glass.

Jean Paul shifted slightly, a grogginess taking over him. Sleep's beckoning call enveloped him, but he knew he had an order to fill. He wasn't going to nod off now that we has so close to achieving his goal.

Watching another figure pass by the window, the assassin felt his fingers twitch, and he nudged the rifle that sat on his shoulder back to it's original perch. He wouldn't want for one of his expensive weapons to slip off his body while he wasn't looking. And yes, he could very much just simply snipe both of his targets. But where was the fun in that? Jean Paul wanted to see the pain up close; he wanted to relish in the murder, soak in the blood. He would love to see their faces as the light died in their eyes.

Better yet, Jean thought, he would make it even more terrible to experience for the both of them. What if he were to kidnap the girl? Wouldn't that anger his opponent? It may be more effort, but oh how much did the assassin want to prolong the pain as long as possible. It would remind him of why he so fondly loved his career; inflicting unbearable pain, the adrenaline of never being caught, the money that spilled from his pockets. It was all so wonderful and the idea was appetizing.

A grin loosely captured Jean Paul's lips as he wobbled to his feet in his perch, rubbing the barrel of his sniper rifle. The idea was tempting and inviting.

He couldn't resist.

<< >>

After spending an entire day within the library, excluding the time spent eating lunch and dinner, Marinette's eyes finally gave out and she felt like sleeping forever. A snooze was welcomed in her current state of mind, but even so, her face still felt hot and her heart beat fast. She had just spent the entire day with Adrien. They didn't talk often throughout, much too absorbed in their literature, but when they did, playful banter and slight flirting was exchanged.

If she had known that her initial encounter a few weeks ago with Chat would lead to this, she would have shut up and let him whisk her away. He was absolutely dreamy, in the bluenette's eyes, and she couldn't help but form an attachment to him. He was adorable, cute, funny, and kind, when he wasn't out murdering for money.

In truth, his cold exterior was just the wall he built around himself to guard his heart; attachments weren't a thing to have when you played a dangerous game such as he did. Marinette was able, however, to chisel her way through, nestling herself close near his heart; and she knew it. She knew that there was a lingering attraction between them, and knowing so made her giddy. After all, if he didn't like her so much, why hadn't he taken the many chances to kill her?

Placing her small hand above her heart, she breathed slowly as the beat of her pumping heart pulsed through her fingertips. She placed her other hand upon the cool surface of the wall, letting it help her guide herself back to her chilly room. Her feet dragged along the carpet slowly, the stitches ripping slightly with the force she exerted unto them.

Marinette yawned, noticing how the rest of the house was dark, and could only conclude that Adrien had gone off to sleep as well. She finally reached her room, and upon entering, she noticed how draft her room had become. The cool wind felt chilling against her hot skin, and her drowsiness got the best of her.

Not bothering to slip into a nightgown, Marinette simply kicked off her socks and flopped onto her bed, making it groan with defiance. She hastily pulled the covers over her shivering body, head already limp against the pillow. If she had to guess, it was the dead of night, explaining the chilling draft.

Marinette was almost asleep when she heard a small creak, and another gust of wind billowed through her room. She cracked open one eye groggily, and peering around her room, she saw nothing alarming. Just warped shadows that danced across the walls. She sighed softly in annoyance when she opened both eyes.

Had she opened the window?

She didn't recall opening it, but after all, she didn't recall doing many things. Marinette brushed it off as being paranoid; after all, maybe Adrien had opened the window. SHe did make an off-hand comment earlier that day about how stuffy her room was, so maybe he was considerate and opened the window.

It didn't matter to Marinette how or why her window was open. It was a cool night, but with her body being hot, she welcomed the extra breeze. Settling her head back down, she closed her eyes, and drifted to sleep.

That was her mistake.

I'm so sorry for not updating in so long, I've had a lot to deal with. Also, I'm so sorry this chapter was a short one, but I will be working much harder on the other ones.

also, I'm really excited. My best friends are coming over today to swim! But I'm also nervous because one of my best friends happen to be my crush. I'm worried about making a fool out of myself in front of her lmao

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