Chapter 1

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(Friday 29th June, 2012 - 8:35)

"This is the Piccadilly Line Service to, Rayners Lane. The next stops is.... Ealing Common"

FINALLY!! Crap 10 minutes to get to school!


No I can't, I'm obviously going to miss the bus.

'Don't be so NEGATIVE!! Think POSITIVE!'

Oh Shut up!

"Please mind the gap between the train and the platform, this is... Ealing Common, change for the District Line and Piccadilly Line to another destination. Please mind the doors"

Yes good! run, Run, RUN!!! Be Dori! Just keep swimming! But not swimming, running!

No,No,No,No,NO!!! God!!!! I just missed the fucking bus!! And NOW IM GOING TO HAVE TO WALK UP THE GIANT HILL!!!

'Calm down Lora'

Oh shut up you stupid subconscious!

'Just call Bex and tell her to tell Mr. Grey your going to be late because there were delays on the train'

oh, yeah, I could do that.

*Ring, Ring*


"Hey Bex, could you tell Mr. Grey I'm gunna be late?"

"Sure, the usual story line?"

"Yeah, thanks! See you in 10"



"When is Assembly going to be over? I'm sooooooo hungry!" Bex whispered.

"Bex, you're ALWAYS hungry" I replied whispering.

Only 5 more minuets left and then ,as usual, a jacket potato for lunch. Because the school food it's SHIT!

*5 Minuets Later*

"YES FOOOOOOOOOD!!" Bex shouted.

"Yes.... Shit food!" Katherine said.

"Anywhore, isn't Mr. A's arse so sexy? I just want to fuck it on the spot!"

"Rebecca you are one pervy chick"

"That's me!"

Rebecca was so pretty; long brown hair, dark brown eyes and a beautiful smile. Me... I had short flat hair and every time I smile I look like a spaz!

"Oooo, people, people," Everyone looked in Katherine's directions. "Celebrity update time!"

Every Friday we do a celebrity update, basically knowing what's going on with the celebs you love!


"Kristen Steward aka slut! And my R-Patz still sexy even though he is sad about what that whore did to him."

Amy is a MASSIVE Twi-Hard (Twilight Fan)! And she LOVES Robert Paterson.

"Aww poor Rob.Okay, me now.Well, one direction is still sexy as hell! Not much has happened, BUT they are recording new songs for their new album!"

As you have just noticed Katherine is in-love with One Direction. Need to know anything about One Directions, call Katherine!


I bet you never saw this one coming....

"Ahhh!! Ian Sommerhalder is SEXY!! And just found out series 4 is coming out on the 15th of October!!" Okay, yes, I am a massive Vampire Diaries Fan!! But COME ON WHO DOESN'T LIKE TVD??!!!

"And Bex?"

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!! JUSTIN BIEBER IS GETTING SEXIER BY THE MINUTE!!" Queue eye roll. "Oh shut up Lora! Everyone else loves him, you're the only person that doesn't."

Okay I'm not saying I HATE him, I just don't know why people are like 'OH MY BIEBER IM GOING TO DIE HE IS SOO AMAZING!!!' Like come on, he's like any one of us, nothing special.

"I didn't say I hated him, I just don't get him..."


Great... maths and French next, then the end of the week, Yes!


"It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday! Everybody's looking forward to the weekend weekend!"

Someone taps on my shoulder. "SHIT! Chris, don't do that!"

Fuck that scared me, Chris is my older brother, I love him like crazy. He's always there when I need him and he's always been there beside me.

"Sorry Lor, have you seen my football shirt?"

"Nahh, sorry Chris. Try the dryer, mum could have forgot to take it out of the dryer,"

"Oh yeah thanks. You going out with the girls tomorrow?"

"Yeah, they're taking me to this book signing"

"Is it-"

"Yes, yes it is" I interrupted. Him and I know perfectly well what they dragged me to do with them.

And that's to go to Justin Bieber's Book Signing.... Great....

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