Chapter 2

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(Saturday 30th June 2012 - 10:30)

"I don't wanna." I pouted. Im trying, but failing, to not go to this book signing.

"Hurry the fuck up, we're gunna be late" Have you noticed Bex, like never says a sentence without saying fuck!.... Lets count it.

"I can't go....I....erm.....forgot to buy shoes"

"For fuck sake!" 1 "Young lady get your arse down stairs right now or I'm going to fucking kill you!" 2

"Your so kind Rebecca." If you didn't notice, that was sarcasm on its peak.

"Oh, fuck off" 3. She flipped me off and stuck her tongue out. People are so kind in the 21st century.

"I heard swearing, is that Becky?" This is going to be so funny! Just wait and see...

"Hey C-C-Chris" She blushed scarlet red while stuttered.

"How are you kiddo?" Chris beamed at her.

Bex's face fell, "Yeah, alright..." Introducing love struck Rebecca!

Hahahaha, well basically, Bex likes my brother. She always has, I know right.. Ewww! Anywhoo, so she likes him, but my brother is oblivious to it and treats her like a little kid. So yeah, that's the story!

Now that she's sad now I guess I've gotta please her - All your perverts out there, naughty naughty! 😏

"Fine.... I'll go..." Bex's face lit up, she looked like she was opening presents on Christmas Day.

"THANK YOU!!! Now let's GO!"


"We have waiting for," I looked down at my pink hello-kitty watch, "2 hours!" I whined, how long does it take to say 'Hi, Bye' and leave?

"Lora, there is over 100 people here, it's not that swift." Katherine replied.

"Oh, my Bieber, I'm going to die! When I see him I have no clue about how I'm going to act! I mean like what if I puke, or like faint?" Bex over-dramatically said. Like really, he just another guy!

"Whatever you do, don't cry! Remember when he got pissed at that girl cause she was all over him crying." Amy said. Harsh much....

"Oh my god, really?! Wow, okay, so the list is: no crying, no fainting, no screaming, no breaking down and no throwing up. Anything else? It's not like we covered everything!" Bex panicked. I swear one day she will look back on this and see how much of a sado she looks right now.

"Just act cool." I said matter-of-factly.

"How the hell am I suppose to act cool Lora? It's fucking JUSTIN BIEBER!" D. R. A. M. A. Q. U. E. E. N..... What does that spell?? DRAMA QUEEN!! Woooo, American-blonde-girl-cheerleading-cheer!

"Dudes, listen! If he don't like it when girls do that, then do the oposite. I know it WILL be hard! But would you rather have your idol think your like any other belieber, or think of you as an awesome person that doesn't only think of him as a heart throb dream boy." People, I do have my moments. ^_^ I put my arms around my friends and hugged them. "You guys are going to be fine" I said with a reassuring smile.


"I neeed to peee!" I whined! Never drink coke when you know you have to wait for a long time and there isn't a bathroom near you!

"Ask the lady over there" Katherine said. The lady was quite large and had slick backed electric black hair. She had 'Security' written on her shirt.

"Erm, excuse me, erm, do you know if I could use the bathroom? Ill be in and out." I asked with a pleading look.

"Okay, sure. Down the stairs and the first right."

"Thanks" I gave her a friendly smile and i ran down the stairs and took the first right.


Oh crap! Which way was the way out? 'I dunno, why are you asking me?' Shh! Okay... Erm.. I think it was straight ahead.

I walked down a translucent glass hall and saw a guy. He was approximately 5,9, and was wearing an American apparel baseball shirt, that had red sleeves and everything else grey. He hung his head low and you could see his muscles through his shirt.

"Dude, do ya know the way out?" I asked the guy. As soon as I saw his face I knew that love at first sight was complete bullshit, it was more like hate at first sight.

"Oii! Did you hear me or not Bieber? Where is the way out?" Seriously why is this guy not answering me, is he deaf or something?

"Erm, aren't you going to scream or something?" He asked with a puzzled look.

"No... Why would I do that? Now can you-

"Yeah sorry, erm it's-"

You have got to be kidding me, am I going to get an answer!

"Justin!" A low manly voice said, sounded like a bodyguard, what was his name, Tim, no, Keith, no, k...k..Kenny! That was it! "Your on in a minute, hurry up"

I looked at Bieber with my famous bored and pissed off look. Bieber mouthed 'Sorry' and ran off!


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