Music- Gracie

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Keith picked me up earlier and brought me to the castle. Where were the others? I started to pace in the control room.
"Sit down and relax."
"I can't!"
"Why not?"
"What if they don't come back?! What if...." I couldn't even finish I just started balling. Keith pulled me close to calm me down.
"Why don't we listen to music?"
I nodded putting in the head phones me and Keith would be sharing, one of me and my fathers favorite songs can on. Keith knew all the words and sang along.
"Somebody said you got a new friend," I smiled at him as he sang along to that part. He kept singing to make me smile. He was so cute when he sang, the song turned of, my head was on his shoulder.
"Do you have the crown Keith?"
"Yeah Shiro."
"Good, Pidge can you get the white lion?"
"Sure thing space dad." My nickname for Shiro was spreading faster than I thought.
Shiro rolled his eyes. "Lance and Hunk get the entertainment center ready, we are celebrating after we activate the white lion."
"Fine...." Lance said winking at me, would he just leave me alone for an hour?!
"Sure thing Shiro." Hunk said a little more crabby. What's with them today?
"Are you ready to stop at a near by abandon planet and summon the white lions full form?"
I nodded, "can I update my suit and sword, after?"
Keith hugged me and gave me a little peck "You can do this."

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