Chapter 1

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"Come on babe." the sexy voice from the bedroom beckoned.

 "Gimme a minute, I just need to take care of something."

 "Hurry up…We're getting lonely," she purred.

 Justin looked over towards the bedroom and could see the two women, clad in their bras and panties, giving him their best come hither looks, asking him to join them in bed. He didn't need much more encouragement than that. He quickly took the brace off his knee and popped two pain killers and washed them down with what was left of his beer.

 He got to the bedroom door and had to stop when he saw them sprawled out seductively across his king size bed. He had met them a few hours earlier at a night club launch party the team had been invited to. He barely had to chance to catch their names before the two women started discussing a ménage à trois. Shit, if you were to ask him their names now, he wouldn't be able to tell you. He didn't care. Justin was just thankful for the distraction.

 He inched his way into the room, pulling his t-shirt over his head and tossing it on a nearby chair as he watched them. They were teasing one another - Running their fingertips up and down the lengths of each others' stomachs. Justin reached the end of the bed and placed his hands on the smalls of their backs and brought his face in closer to theirs, taking in their fragrance. Giving them both a cocky grin, he softly whispered, “Kiss” and found a spot on the bed between them.

 Justin grabbed a pillow and propped up his head as he watched the two blondes let their tongue's dance together, moaning in pleasure. He took in the sight that lay in front of him, a beauty on each side of him, playing with each other’s breasts through their bra’s. He let his hand run up their thighs and continued to watch the two women seduce one another. Justin's eyes fluttered shut when he felt their tongues on each side of his neck.


 Green eyes penetrated his skin, sending shivers up his spine. He held out his hand, trying to reach for her, needing to touch her. An ache filled him -- a longing that couldn't be described in a single word and a thousand words still wouldn't be enough.

 "I need you," he whispered, holding out his hand to her once again.

 She reached out and as their fingertips touched an electric-like current shot through his body. Their fingers entwined and he pulled her to him, wrapping his arm around her waist and burying his face in her curly brown hair.

 "I've waited so long for this," he whispered into her hair.

 She turned her head and smiled as her fingertips touched his cheek before sliding her hand to the back of his head and pulling his lips down to hers. The kiss was one of fire and passion, lips mashing against lips as tongues danced and fought. Her body melted against his soft, warm skin...a promise of pleasures yet to come. His lips touched her neck as his hand moved up her hip, stroking softly upward until his thumb touched her...

 "....sunshine with 70 percent chance of showers later in the day, so remember to grab that umbrella before heading out to work today. We'll be back after this message with the 6 o'clock news..."

 He struck out at the alarm clock, knocking it off the nightstand and closed his eyes, hoping that if he fell back to sleep she would return.

 After trying desperately for ten minutes, he gave up in defeat and slowly lifted his body up out of bed. He looked around and noticed the room was empty. The two blondes from the night before were nowhere in sight and he would later discover that all the cash he had in his wallet had disappeared with them.

 Justin looked down and noticed he was still wearing his boxers. His pain medication having kicked in faster than he’d hoped. He rose up slowly from the bed and stretched out his back before making his way to the dresser to throw on a pair of basketball shorts. He yawned loudly, walking into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and saw that it was almost bare. He turned around and made his way to the cabinets in search of coffee. He couldn't survive a morning without it. He slammed the cabinet door shut when all he could find was decaf. "Fuck!" he cursed.

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