Chapter 8

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"Look at me, baby," he murmurs, his voice thick with desire. He begins thrusting slowly, allowing her to savor every inch of him as their eyes remain locked in an intense gaze.

 "Justin!!" She gasps loudly.

 "I'm so close..." He whispers breathlessly as he begins thrusting into her harder. His head dropping down to her shoulder, his teeth grazing against her skin, biting down as she-


 The alarm clock abruptly awoke Cherish from her dream.  She laid there staring up at the ceiling, her breathing labored, beads of sweat sliding down her skin.  "Shhiiiiittt!" she exhaled, trying to catch her breath.

 She reached over and pressed the button on the alarm clock, noting it was 7:30am and continued to lay there contemplating whether or not she should close her eyes and try to "finish" the deliciously nasty dream she was having or get out of bed. She eventually  relented to get out of bed. 


 "So the hospital called me around six this morning because dad was freakin out. He woke up and didn't know where he was. I get there and he doesn't even know who the hell I am! So they ended up having to sedate him." Justin explained to his mother as he poured a cup of coffee. "Kathy told me they're gonna keep him sedated throughout the CAT scans, MRI's and other tests and she'd call me when they were halfway through." He sighed heavily and then added, "...I wanna be there when he wakes up."

 Justin's mother handed him the creamer and went back to the stove to check on the bacon. "Do you want me to go back over there with you?" His mother asked apprehensively.

 "No. That's okay, Ma. Dad's a fighter. I'm sure he'll be fine...physically. But, I mean you had to see him!  I didn't know his condition had gotten this bad."

 "I'm just sorry you have to see him like that, honey. You seem more stressed now than you did when you first got to town. Have you been able to get any sleep?"

 Right there and then would have been the opportune moment for Justin to finally open up to his mother about everything going on with him, his career, and bumping into Cherish again after all these years. But instead he chose to dance around the truth. "Not really, Ma. Once these tests with dad are done, I should be able to finally relax and come back home so you can take care of your boy."

 His mother smiled,  "You want three or four pieces of bacon?"

 "Just two" he instructed. "Even though I'm not playin I can't sit around lettin you fatten me up, lady!"

 "Three won't kill ya." she drawled innocently, as she set the plate of waffles, scrambled eggs and bacon in front of him. "Now eat up."

 When Justin arrived back into Boone, he bumped into Dean, one of his old high school teammates,  in front of the pharmacy.  Dean was heading out as Justin was heading in and the two began talking about Dean's son who was waiting in the car.  The boy was anxiously calling out to his father ever other minute that they were going to be late for his game. Dean explained to Justin that the kids were having their basketball playoff games over at the school gym and invited Justin along to check it out. After some coaxing, Justin finally agreed and the three of them headed over there.


 "Pardon me...Excuse me." Mr. Cummings apologized as he made his way through the stands to find a seat next to Cherish. "…I'm not as young  as I used to be!"  he laughed.

 "Hey Daddy." she smiled, leaning over as he planted a kiss on her cheek.

 "This gym smells like sweat, dirty socks, and chlorine." he frowned. 

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