part 1

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"What is this?" Drew says out loud.
Did I say that out loud? Everything is white and I still can't see or hear. Im running out of breath how long have I been running? Fuck this.
Am I dead? What the fuck did I take.
I better just sit down.
Drew lets her legs out from under her and crosses them. No floor. What the fuck
She rubs her eyes and opens them,nothing changes.
She tries one more time. Fuck. Please don't let this be death. I'm not supposed to be able to feel this !
She opens her eyes one more time. Her body shaking with tears she goes to wipe her face and sees the familiar gravel on her palms, no tears to wipe.
She looks up at the sun and hears children laughing and yelling. Wait what th fuck.
She stands up to dust herself off and everything is so big. How did I get here? What is this a school for giants? She looks down at her denim Bermuda shorts and scuffed up keds.
Keds. She stands up and looks around. "Crockett???"
She realizes where she is. This is my elementary school. What the fuck am I doing here. I better get the fuck off campus before someone realizes I don't have a visitors pass and starts asking questions I don't know the answer to. She feels a heavy hand on her shoulder and shakes it off  "Drew! Where are do you think you're going! Get back here!" She recognizes the voice. That's Ms. Cano her first ride principal. What the hell is going on.
She takes off running. She's off campus and she made it to a bodega down the street.
She catches her reflection in the store front window. Okay. Not a school for giants. I guess a regular school. For regular sized children. I guess I'm a child. Ummmmm. This is fucked up. I have to be trippin. Did I finally find some ayahuasca?? Fuck i need this to be over. This... cannot be real.  Chances are I just smoked some dmt... it should be fine,she thinks to herself. Walking past the bodega and into what seems like should be a familiar area but nothin is the same. These streets don't make sense. That was definitely Crockett and this is definitely Al's,the corner store I've been driving my uncle to for years,the same Al's that I just bought a pack of Garcia Vega's from last week. Man. What the fuck. 
None of these street names are in the right order.
Wait. Ok. This is my trip. If I left the school and found Al's that means my abuelitas house should just be a few blocks from here. I'm still me. I'm just a younger me. Maybe I can find my mom..
And then what. Oh shit. Okay ummmm. Maybe I shouldn't find my mom. Maybe I should just... wait for this to be over. But what can I do in the mean time? What if I can find myself ! Do I have any money? I go to pull my phone out of my pocket to check my balance and then I remember. Oh yeah. No phone. No money. Okay. Fuck.
I start walking towards Golf course. I pass a bunch of familiar houses but still they're just not quite right. I guess I only have myself to blame for that, I laugh out loud. I don't really have The Best memory. Fuck I'm thirsty. Al's never seemed so far.
I think it's time to start considering maybe I've just lost my mind. But would I be able to consider that if I did? Fuck how am I supposed to ask about this.
Okay. If this is my trip. If this is just my mind. It would make sense that taking forever because I Really wanna get there and I'm being all shitty maybe if I just focus on my grandmas house..
I can see the stop light for lamesa and golf course. It's only like a block away now and then a big fuckin house appears. Oh shit. It's The Martinez Mansion. Definitely a landmark, it was the biggest nicest house in the hood growing up. It's all tucked up now and there's a bigger one down the street. The house looks good though. The top floor hasn't even burned down yet.
Fuck am I time traveling? Nah... can't be. The streets don't make sense. Yep. Definitely trippin. Or lost my mind. I cut through the Martinez' lawn and walk straight up to the familiar red and brown brick house. I go the ring the door bell then I stop myself.
Why haven't I seen any cars drive by?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2017 ⏰

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