Ch. 17 A Round Of Applause For The One Who Stood Through It All

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The backstage is really luxurious, making me feel like I'm competing in America's Got Talent and not some local competition. The red plush couches are pushed against the wall in front of a huge flat screen which view the front stage. Tables lined the adjacent wall, filled with sweets and sandwiches. I fight the urge to nab a pastry, my tennis coach's words playing in the back of my mind, "Don't eat anything sweet or something that will cause your stomach to hurt before a competition. It could result in cramps or exhaustion. Oh, and you'll get fat."

Thanks coach. 

I steer myself away from the table and focus on the flat screen as one of the judges walks onto the stage. He starts off with reading off the rules and score system and then goes into how "happy" he was to be here tonight to watch the "lovely" dancers. Honestly, he looked like he just wanted to go home and binge Grey's Anatomy than judge a bunch of teenage girls. 

He finishes his little speech and walks off, the dancer I saw earlier with the backwards hat taking the spotlight. 

"Imogen Neiter will be preforming Break the Fall by Laura Welsh, the Gemini Remix." Someone announces over the speakers.

The music starts and the girl, Imogen, taps her foot to the beat. Once it picks up and the vocals come on, she starts breaking out into her routine. The beat drops and she dances with a smile on her face. Her hair flies around her wildly as she throws her body this away and that. 

Did I mention, that I was screwed?

Something warm and boney grabs my hand and I whip around, smacking Sans with my ponytail. He reflexively pulls back and grabs his head. "Crap, sorry!" I whisper yell. Sans chuckles and waves his hand, "It's fine Buttercup." Sans turns to the screen and scoffs, "You can do better than that," he whispers.

I turn to him, shocked, "Sans that girl is amazing! There is no way I can beat that." Sans shakes his head, "No, she might look good because of her posture, but her moves are slightly off and not really coordinated." I turn to the screen and watch Imogen carefully. Sans was right, her steps were slightly off time to the song and she seemed to falter quite a bit. Seeing that she wasn't doing as good as I had hoped boosted up my pride a bit. It also made me more determined.

Imogen finishes as the song fades out and she bows, earning applause from the audience. She walks off only to be replaced with another girl, the one with the pony-tail.

"Rachael Phillips will be preforming Replay by Zendaya."

 This was going to be a long competition. 


"Eat like that and you're going to gain at least three pounds in the next five seconds."

I shoot a glare at Sans as cookie crumbs fall from my mouth, "It's called stress eating. Let me deal with it on my own." Sans' pinpricks roll in his sockets, "Don't come crying to me if you start cramping up on stage." It was my turn to roll my eyes as I take the water bottle out of my bag and chug it, washing down all of the sugar.

It was break time between the competition, like halftime but with dancing. Most of the dancers that already went were either hogging up the restroom or chatting up a storm backstage. Me? I'm just shoving my face full of cookies while I slowly die on the inside. Sans says that I have nothing to worry about since he claims that the dancers aren't as good as I thought they were but their coordinated movements and grace was telling me otherwise. 

Sans puts a hand on my shoulder when I finished about half of the water and gives me a warm smile. I smile back slighty and he kisses my cheek, "You don't have anything to worry about Buttercup. You'll do fine. I mean, you were coached by one of the best dancers you've ever seen." he winks. I roll my eyes and shove him playfully, "Says the one who's been dancing a thousand plus years." Sans chuckles, "You think I'm that old?" I shrug, "I mean, you are a living skeleton, who knows how old you are."

The Bounce Of The Ball Followed By The Steps To The Beat-Dancetale!Sans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now