
33 3 8

Nickname: Claire/Clarissa

Favorite Sports Anime: Currently, it's Prince of Stride, followed closely by Free!

Sports Anime Watched: Cheer Danshi!!, Free!, Prince of Stride, and some baseball anime

Why I Joined SAC: It sounded like a lot of fun! I love clubs, and I figured that this one seemed like it would be filled with neat people (which I was right about), so I just did it. Plus the fan-girling is fun.

5 Fun Facts About Claire/Clarissa:

- I'm the slowest girl to ever grace a track field. Well, grace isn't the right word since I trip over thin air. Heh

- No one has ever invited me to prom because they all think that my brother will hurt them if they try. (Little do they know, it's not him they needed to fear! Mwahaha!)

- I'm in a love-hate relationship with chocolate. I love chocolate and hate that I eat it

- I spend more time than I should on Wattpad, but I don't have any other social media. (Yes, this site is kind of like social media for me)

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