Summer Lovin' {C2} (Jotaro X Kakyoin)

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Summer Lovin' by t_why


 [Jotaro X Kakyion, Abdul X Polnareff]

Polnareff tells him to stop by his apartment around 3. But in the typical Polnareff fashion, he's nowhere to be found at the designated time, and it's already almost 4:30 when Jotaro finishes his second cigarette since arriving. He ends up squatting by the doorway as he waits, glaring up at anyone passing by who dares to stop and tell him not to smoke in the hallway. It's the very picture of pathetic.

How could he have forgotten the golden rule of planning things with Polnareff? Don't bother showing up on time unless food is involved. In his anxious state, he had forgotten. And now he is suffering immensely. Damn that Polnareff, and damn that Abdul too for not conveniently being here to open the door like he should be. Why aren't they answering their phones? Shouldn't they both be out of class by now? Given how long it's been, they could be halfway across town buying condoms and alcohol for all he knows. Jotaro clicks his tongue. He's nearing his limit.

Maybe he should have considered talking to someone else about his problem... Josuke? Jotaro wrinkles his nose at the thought. That option is a guaranteed heap of failure. It's better with Polnareff. It's got to be Polnareff. He knows enough about relationships and Kakyoin's tastes to make things work. So it just has to be him.

If he fucking shows up, anyway.

Honestly, he might as well just lure Polnareff to his house tomorrow with promises of food. The other definitely won't decline, and he'll be trapped there once he steps foot inside. He won't have any other choice but to stay and help plan (after receiving a thorough ass kicking for making him wait so goddamn long, of course).

Now that he considers it, that might actually work out better than... this. Whatever the hell this is, anyway.

Plus it's almost 5 and Jotaro would rather be anywhere but here, squatting by his friends' doorway like he's in dire need of a toilet. He takes one last drag on his cigarette, prepared to get up and leave. But the sudden, cheerful call of his name keeps him in place. It startles him, even. He clamps his lips tightly around the cigarette to keep himself from accidentally swallowing it.

"Jotaro! It looks like you're holding in a piss!"

Polnareff has got one hand carrying a pack of beer and the other hand practically dragging Abdul along behind him as they approach. Abdul looks a little nervous-- as Polnareff should be, the teen thinks dryly. He makes no effort to greet the two. Annoyed by their late arrival, he remains on the floor and just glares at them.

"Oi! What's with that face?"

Abdul clears his throat. "Well, we are incredibly late... I sincerely apologize for this, Jotaro, but Polnareff was insistent that our, er, detour would help your situation." He yanks his hand from Polnareff's and brushes past them both to unlock the door. The speed he moves at suggests he really doesn't want to stick around and see what happens. Which is smart. Abdul has always been the wiser of the two. Jotaro grunts in acknowledgement of his words before returning his sharp stare to Polnareff. Oh, he can't wait to hear an explanation for this one.

"A detour, huh?"

Polnareff grins and gestures to the beer.

"For fuck's sake, Polnareff. It's almost 5. You told me to be here at 3."

The door closes. Abdul has safely hidden inside to avoid the oncoming storm.

Oblivious, Polnareff squats down beside him and gestures to the beer again. His grin gets wider in attempts to smooth over the damage. "Beer does wonders for a case of blue balls, my friend. You need this! Now quit looking ready to shit yourself and--"

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