Summer Lovin' {C8} (Jotaro X Kakyoin)

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Summer Lovin' by t_why


[Jotaro X Kakyion, Abdul X Polnareff]

This definitely isn't the best way to go about apologizing, but Jotaro figures that he has better things to do than worry about how ridiculous he looks chasing Kakyoin around in his pajamas. And really, it's not like any attention is being drawn to this particular detail, to begin with -- the other boy seems much more interested in escaping the Kujo residence as quickly as humanly possible, not once looking back as he bolts down the hallway.

It's not until Jotaro finally lunges forward and manages to catch his escaping friend's wrist do they come to a stop. But of course, this doesn't happen without them somehow injuring themselves in the process. Kakyoin lets out a startled cry as he stumbles back into Jotaro, and the latter, still trying to move forward, ends up knocking them both over onto the ground. They're a tangled mess of limbs within seconds.

"J-Jotaro, what the hell...!"

The older teen says nothing in response, instead concentrating on keeping Kakyoin trapped between his arms on the floor. He doesn't necessarily pin him down, but kneeling over his much smaller frame is just as effective. Making another escape won't be easy or even possible at this point. Realizing this, Kakyoin stops squirming and shoots an irritated glare up at his friend.

"Would you mind getting off?"

"No, I..." Jotaro pauses, swallowing. His fingernails dig into the floorboards beneath them. "I need to tell you something about what happened."

"W-Wait, no... I mean, after that I just -- "

"I didn't want our kiss to be that way."

Kakyoin freezes up, face completely going red at the statement. All remaining protests die on his lips as he clamps his mouth shut, completely at a loss for words. He looks more embarrassed than angry, so that's definitely a sign of something to hope for. Jotaro swallows again, fighting to keep his voice calm and steady despite how fast his heart has begun to race.

"I wanted it to be after I told you how I feel," he continues quietly. "If you felt the same, then I would... We would have... "

The younger teen's voice is just barely above a whisper. It sounds so innocent, so wondrous. But at the same time, the very sound of it sends shivers down Jotaro's spine. "Then... Then how do you feel? About me..."

"I just," and then there's a pause, because this is it, "I like you, Noriaki. As more than a friend."

He wants to savor this moment the best he can, but somehow he can't even bring himself to look down and see whatever expression is currently resting on Kakyoin's face. He instead closes his eyes and holds his breath, focusing on everything from the sound of his heartbeat to the soft, quiet breathing coming from the boy beneath him. These things are committed to memory. But after what seems like an eternity has passed, he starts to feel a little awkward. They can't possibly stay like this forever. Releasing his breath, he decides to try again.

"That's why I'm... hoping you'll consider it," he explains, fingernails leaving small crescent shaped marks in the floorboards, "Going out with me, that is. Will you consider it?"

"Oh... Oh, Jotaro, I'm so sorry -- "

Sorry? No, no, that can't be right. Kakyoin looked happy just moments ago. Why is he apologizing, as though something is wrong?

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