Chapter Sixteen

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Helena's eyes fluttered open to be met with the beautifully embroidered canopy of an unfamiliar four-poster bed. Shuffling her limbs about slightly, she found herself to be tucked in snugly beneath a soft, downy cover - but despite this, she was not at all relaxed.

Where was she? And why could she not recall how she came to be there?

A hazy image swam across Helena's mind, and she swatted it away, frustrated. She did not need to be thinking Joseph at this moment; not when there were matters of far greater importance at stake.

But wait...

The recollection became slightly clearer: shivering, sodden misery, and desperation. Helplessness.

And then, suddenly - him. Conjured up before her eyes at the darkest of moments, as if directly from her dreams. But he had been real - she could not have imagined the sensation of his arms encircling her frame, nor the safe comfort of his familiar voice as he spoke to her.

Joseph - her Joseph. She had found him at last; and though she did not recognise her surroundings, she knew in her heart that she had come home.

There was so much Helena wanted to say; so much she needed to know. Yes, she had met Joseph once more - but she did not yet know for certain whether or not he truly remained unattached. Perhaps he had a wife at home; perhaps he had only been visiting London on business...

London! That was where she was!

Memories which had been appearing as a trickle now flooded Helena's mind, as all at once everything came rushing back. Margaret had been in labour, and Helena was searching for a doctor - but it had been cold, so cold, and so difficult to concentrate on the task at hand.

Had she succeeded? Margaret - had she...?

Untangling herself from the mass of eiderdown, Helena staggered to her feet, swaying slightly on her weak legs. Taking a moment to gather her bearings, she made directly for the door leading out of the bedchamber - but she had barely moved two paces before a brisk, no-nonsense voice stopped her in her tracks.

"Not another step, Lady Helena. You have been unwell - you must rest."

There was only one person who would dare to speak to Helena so boldly.

"Mary!" cried Helena eagerly, pleased to see someone familiar in these still-unfamiliar surroundings. "How are you?"

Mary uttered one of her usual hearty guffaws.

"Lady Helena, you behave as though we have not spoken in days!" she laughed.

Helena paused, considering this. Very recent memories were still hazy; the last thing she properly recalled was meeting Joseph in Finsbury Circus.

Just what had happened since then?

"Where - where are we?" asked Helena warily.

To her relief, Mary smiled.

"We are at Lord and Lady Eldham's home in Grosvenor Square," she replied.

"Louisa?" gasped Helena. "Goodness, it has been an age since I last saw her!"

Joseph's sister had been a dear friend to Helena growing up - it had been difficult for Helena when Louisa left for London to become Lord Eldham's wife two years ago. She could not, in fact, recalling seeing Louisa at all since she became Lady Eldham. Helena knew that Louisa had given birth to a son just over a year ago, which of course made it more difficult to travel now...

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