2: Found Journal

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Hi~ it's Lee Rin aka Yoonmin321 is what everyone remembers me as here~ Please Comment and Vote~

Jin walked up to Taehyung the next day, hoping he knew where Jungkook was.

"Why do you want to know where Jungkook is?" Taehyung asked.

"Uh... I have something of his."

"Just give it to me. I'll hand it to him."

"A-ani! It's fine, I need to talk to him anyway." Jin said.

Taehyung smirked, "Woah, mister popular wants to talk to mister popular-but-doesn't know-it. Fine. I'll tell you where he is."

"Since when was I mister pop-"

"Stop being like Mister popular-but-doesn't-know-it. You know very well how many valentine cards you get when the day comes. I heard you take them but don't reply back."

"Because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings!" Jin defended, "Anyway, where is he?"

"He's in his dorm."

"Is he sick?"

Taehyung shook his head, "He stayed up all night freaking out about his lost journal then played overwatch to calm himself down. Now he's dead asleep in his dorm."

Jin nodded, "What dorm number is he?"


Jin had one more class until his schedule was over for the day. He didn't want to skip his class or wake up Jungkook so he just sat down on a bench and sipped coffee as he waited for it to be around the time to head to class.

The older was all by himself since Jimin had class, Namjoon was teaching, and Yoongi was following around Jimin, "I'm bored..." he sighed to himself and that's when the idea hit him.

He scavenged through his backpack and took out Jungkook's journal.

"He won't notice. I wonder what kind of stories he writes..." A smile crept on his face.

There were doodles on the first couple pages, "Woah. He can really draw..."

Then came the first story.
"Hujye, a typical high school boy, loved someone. Himself and Minsu. But what was he supposed to do with his feelings?

That was when he had decided to confess under the cherry blossom tree.

The time came. Minsu stood right in front of his classmate.

'What is it, Hujye?'

'Minsu... I've been in love with you-'

'But we're both dudes.' Minus casually said.

'Yeah, but I love you.'

A smirk showed on Minsu's face, 'I love you too.'

"What the fuck? Is this a storyline to a manga or something?" Jin chuckled and flipped through pages. They all seemed to be a romance. Then one caught his eye.

Sookjin, who goes by the name Jin, was a popular boy in school. Loved by everyone. But there was one boy who couldn't stop thinking about him.


Jungcook wasn't very popular. And that's why...

He hated Jin.

The man Jungcook was in love with fell in love with Jin. Yugyum fell in love with Jin...

Why would Jungcook like Jin? He despised him.


That's where the writing stopped, "Was he writing this yesterday? Wow..."

Who could be the guy that Jungkook likes?

"Right!" Jin remembered.

Yesterday morning, a guy named Kim Yugyeom 'confessed' to Jin. But it had actually ended up being a huge joke him and his boyfriend, 'Bambam' had made up.

What if Jungkook witnessed the part where Yugyeom confessed but not the part  where he was laughing his ass off because it was hilarious. What if Jungkook didn't know Yugyeom even had a boyfriend?

Jin stood up and rushed to Jungkook's dorm, forgetting about class. He banged on the door until Jungkook opened it.

"What do you want?" Jungkook groaned.

"I'm not the one Yugyeom loves! Bambam is! So don't take it out on me, take it out on bambam!" Jin exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah. I know the two are dating. I found out last night before I went to sleep. It's why I actually stayed up playing overwatch. Well yeah, cause of my journal, but also cause of Yugyeom." Then his eyes widened, "How did you know I liked Yugyeom? Are you the one with my journal?!"

Jin nodded and held up the journal, "Yes."

Jungkook snatched it away, "Why did you read it?!"

"I was bored..."

"Doesn't mean you go reading through private things!"

"At least I'm not the one who skipped class to sleep." Jin nagged.

"That isn't the point. Pay up for this. Erase your memories!"

"I can't."

"Then- then. Don't tell anyone."

"In one condition."

"What?" Jungkook snarled.

"I can become your closest hyung-slash-friend."


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Lol, it turns out I have the same disease as my mom-Lee Rin

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