Autumn Tabitha Littlewood

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"Winter...Summer...Autumn..." Jack mumbled beside me. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "I'm trying to think of a name for the baby."

"You're naming the baby after seasons?" I questioned. He ignored me and continued to name off names.

"Samantha...Hayley....Emma...Emily...Wendy...Maria...Carolyn...May..." I looked down at soon-to-be-named-daughter and looked at her. "YOU KNOW WHAT, FUCK THIS SHIT. WE'RE NAMING HER AUTUMN." Jack said stomping his foot down. Autumn, I guess we're naming her cried loudly. I looked at Jack and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Jack, you woke her up, you shit!" I whisper-yelled at him. I shushed her and stood up, cradling her in my arms. After a few seconds, her eyes opened and saw here eye colour was a bright green colour. Her eyes glistened because of her tears. Jack peeked over my shoulder and looked at Autumn.

"Aw, her eyes are so beautiful." He said. I smiled and nodded. Autumn looked over at Jack and blinked. After a few seconds, she smiled. "She has dimples!" Jack cooed. I rolled my eyes.

"We got clothes...diapers...all that shit," Zack said throwing his keys onto the counter. He laid out all the clothes and toys him and Rian bought. "Did you decide what to name the baby?"

"Jack decided to name her Autumn," I said. "Not sure about the last and middle name, though," I said.

"Tabitha Littlewood,"Jack said. "Autumn Tabitha Littlewood or Autumn Tabitha Lifter."


"Night, Autumn," I whispered, kissing her forehead. Autumn was sleeping with me tonight. I changed her into one of the pyjamas Zack and Rian bought and held her close to my chest to keep her warm. I stayed half awake just to make sure I don't crush her. I ended up putting her on my chest and hugged her. I felt our heartbeats beat in sync as we both slept. I woke up and opened my eyes and nearly panicked when I saw Autumn wasn't beside me. I looked my chest and saw autumn was awake and she was looking at me with her big green eyes. "Morning, Baby," I said smiling. She smiled back at me and I wrapped her in her blanket and carried her down the stairs.

"Morning, Alex. How was your night with Autumn?" Jack asked. I yawned and blink(182, sorry I had to.)ed Autumn yawned after me and I handed Autumn over to Jack.

"She slept fine, I guess. She didn't cry or anything, which is something I wasn't prepared for. I kept thinking she was dead," I said, stretching my arms over my head. Jack handed Autumn back over to me and gave me a bottle of milk to feed her. After feeding her, I put a wash cloth on my shoulder and burped her. After, I changed her into something else and cradled her in my arms. It took about 10 minutes for her to finally fall asleep and when she did, I placed her into one of those baby crib thingies that move. I went upstairs to get dressed and when I was half way into my shower, I heard Autumn cry. I jumped out the shower while it was still running and pulled my bathrobe over my wet body and ran downstairs. Jack was cradling Autumn while holding her close to her chest.

"What are you doing soaking wet?" He asked.

"I heard Autumn cry and got worried," I said. Jack rolled his eyes.

"Rian, Zack, and I got it. Don't worry. Now go and shower." Jack said. I went back into the washroom and finished showering. I slipped on some sweat pants and a t-shirt and went back downstairs and hung out with the guys and Autumn.

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