I-it's not what it looks like!!

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Your P.O.V.~ 

I woke up to voices. 

"Man, looks like Obi got lucky!" 

"She might be wearing clothes! Don't jump to conclusions!" 

"But Obi's shirtless and you can't see (Y/n) cuz shes covered in blankets!" 

"They're so cute!" 

I lay perfectly still and identified Shira's voice, Kiki's voice, Zen's voice, and Mitsuhide's voice. I slowly reached for the dagger I had under my skirt, and jumped out putting the dagger to Zen's neck. 

"Can I help you?" I growled. 

Zen smiled but I could see sweat lining his forehead. "We just came to wake you two up!" Everyone else nodded behind him. 

"Hmph." I stalked into the bathroom and shut the door. Slipping on a blue long sleeved crop top and a black mini skit with thigh high socks, I grumbled some choice words about my friends. 

I tied my (H/c) hair into a ponytail and put on a black choker. "Done." I smiled to myself. 

"THERE BETTER NOT BE ANYONE OUT THERE WHEN I COME OUT!" I yelled through the door. I heard a scrambling of feet and then silence. 

"Good." I muttered and walked back into the room. Obi was sitting up on the bed yawing. 

"Hey (Y/n)" He yawned. "Why was everyone in our room?" 

"Like I would know." I said pinching the bride of my nose. 

Obi chuckled then got up. My eyes widened. I had been trying to ignore the fact that he was shirtless but damn. He had abs and muscles and basically looked like the dudes you see in magazines with perfect bodies. Years as an assassin must have its perks. 

"What?" Obi snapped me out of my thoughts. He was giving me a confused look. I quickly blushed and looked away. 

"N-nothing! I have to go!" I sprinted to the door. 

"Wait up perv!" Obi called using my nickname. "You can't go anywhere alone! Remember?" 

I shrugged and opened the door. "I'll be fine! Only an idiot would attack in broad daylight in front of a bunch of people! I'll be in town square if you need me!" I sprinted out. 

I could hear Obi yelling but I only laughed and jumped out the nearest window. Jumping from tree to tree until I cleared the palace gate. 

(Time skip cuz im lazyyyyyyyyyy) 

Obi's P.O.V. 

Dammit. (Y/n) had been convinced she would be fine and run away but I had a feeling. I couldn't find here though! 

Your P.O.V,~ 

I had bought a bunch of food. I had enough clothes so I wanted to go weapon shopping, but I was hungry. I was currently working on my third ice cream sundae, when my meal was interrupted.  

"Miss (Y/n) (L/n)?" I looked up to see a woman and a man standing next to my table. 

"Yes?" I shoved another spoonful of ice cream in my mouth. 

"Please come with us." I looked at the woman in the corner of my eye. Sure enough both her and the man were armed. 

"I have to give you credit." I said only loud enough for them to hear. "Those weapons are pretty well concealed. But you should move your knives a little to the right, that way it will be even harder to see." 

"I'll take your advice." The man smiled. "But I really must insist you come with us." 

"Lemme think about it." I scrunched up my eyes. "I thought about it." I said flashing my best smile. 

"and?" The man seemed to be getting annoyed. Good. 

"Nope!" I jumped up slamming some money on the table, grabbing my  sundae and running through the crowd, hoping to lose them. 


Who's the mysterious couple? Will Obi find you in time? Who knows :P 

Thanks for readiiiiiiiiing~~

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