The "Friend's" for Hire

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Your P.O.V.~

We guided the boat back to dry land and picked up our horses. I mounted mine and rode off towards the forest, Obi close behind.

Obi pulled out the directions Zen had given him and we followed them to a small hidden camp. The moment we dismounted a warning arrow landed in front of Obi. 

"Looks like they didn't know we were coming." I told Obi, pulling out my bow. 

I pulled back my bow and shot a couple inches away from where the owner of the arrow would be. 


Obi and I turned around to see Mars, his hands up. "Sorry, it's a safety precaution." 

Obi snorted and I grinned. "We got the scroll, lets go." 

Mars led us through the camp. There were small houses, tents, fire pits, and people. Everyone in the camp looked like a seasoned warrior or assassin. I saw one sign that read, 'Friend's For Hire'. 

"Mercenary camp that calls themselves friends for hire?" Obi was looking at the same sign I was. 

"Camp joke." Mars shrugged. 

He led us to a tent near the center. When we walked inside Shirayuki was hovering over a man with bandages and herbs in her hand. Zen was standing a short ways off. 

"We're back Master, Mistress." Obi announced, catching their attention. 

"Thank god." Shirayuki ran up to me. "I've kept him alive as long as I could but if we don't get the poison out of his body he will die." 

I nodded and walked up to the man. He was young, maybe early twenty's. He had light brown hair and pale skin. I could see the wound were Shira had patched him up, but he had a fever. 

"Shira," I tossed her the scroll. "Get the ingredients on the scroll and ground them up. Ill do the rest. Zen go with her." 

They both nodded and ran out of the tent. 

"How does the scroll work?" Obi and Mars piped up at the same time, then looked at each other in shock. 

"It's and old spell. If he can drink what Shirayuki gives him, then I'll be able to use the spell to save him." 

"Is it safe?" I turned to look at Obi. He had a serious yet worried look in his eyes. 

"Of course. It'll just use up my energy. But I have to be the one to do it." 

"Why?" Mars asked. 

"Simple." I looked at him and grinned. "I'm a (L/n)." 

After that we all waited in silence until Shirayuki and Zen got back with the ingredients. 

When they got back Shirayuki set straight to work. I helped her by reading out the direction while she made the medicine. Once she was done I took the medicine and told everyone to leave the tent, except for Shirayuki and myself. 

"How come we can't watch?" Zen questioned. 

"We need to focus and these are trade secrets. I trust you all but Clyte wouldn't be happy if I just showed it to everyone." When Mitsuhide gave me a weird look I groaned. "Ask Obi." And shoved them out of the tent. 

Once they were all gone I turned to Shirayuki. 

"Poor that down his throat and make sure he swallows." I instructed. 

She nodded and did as I said. Once that was done I opened the scroll and started the incantation. Once I started the mans body began to glow. I closed my eyes and kept going. With every word I felt my body get weaker and weaker, but that meant the spell was working. 

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