This Feeling

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My adorable little baby contemplating his feelings^

P.S. I think I kinda like starting with Levi's PoV. Maybe it'll be a regular thing?

Levi's PoV

At this point, I wasn't even sure whether or not my heart was still inside of my chest.

It was undeniable that this dude was hot. His warms lips contrasted the cold air around us. He tasted of both mint and coffee at the same time, which sounds gross now that I say it out loud but trust me, it was addicting. Yeah, that's the word for what his kiss was: addicting. It was addicting how his hand slowly slithered up my back and fixed itself on my cheek. It was addicting how his lips were pressed firmly against mine. It was addicting how those lips moved at a such a slow pace, leaving me with only the faintest desire for more. It was addicting how his hair felt in my hand as I knocked off his hat in favour or running my hands through his chocolate locks.

In short, he was addicting.

He pulled his lips away from me with a soft pop. He breathed heavily for a moment before a grin erupted onto his face. His eyes twinkled and for a few moments, we just stared at each other. I suddenly felt like I should say something. Before I could even think, words fell out of my parted lips.

"Putain, tu es si attirante." (Fuck, you're so hot.)

My face immediately heated as the smile was wiped from Eren's face. Why did I say that? He thinks I'm a perv now. He hates me now. Stupid, Levi. Stupid, stupid stu--

"Parlez-vous anglais?" I knew before he even finished talking that he was American. The accent gave it away, and it seemed like he barely even tried to pronounce the French correctly. I did know how to speak English, but I hadn't used it in quite a while. I was a bit rusty. (Do you speak English?)

"Yes. I do speak English." I cringed at how thick my accent sounded. Nevertheless, I was disappointed that I just got kissed by some random hot guy and he was American of all things.

"You're accent is cute, Levi." The man with bright eyes smiled softly, looking at me with the sort of expression on his face that dug up memories that were better left buried. Then, I realised. One, the guys suddenly knows my name. Two, I had just kissed a guy I had randomly met in a Starbucks. Even worse, I liked it!

"H-how do you know my name?" I hated the way I tripped over my words. Why does the 'h' sound even exist in the English language? It was so hard to pronounce, anyway.

He looked confused for a second before he held up his left wrist to me. I saw it. It was right there in front of me, clear as day. 'Levi Ackerman' displayed on his timer in bright letters. Reflexively, I glanced back to my own.

'Eren Jaeger'

My heart skipped a few beats. Even his name was hot.

After beating myself up mentally, I proceeded to not act like a complete fuck-up. I could feel my emotions retreat into myself. I could my face return the stoic expression I carried. Just like she taught me: Don't fall in love, there's just too much to lose.

"It does not matter. It's not like I will h-have to remember it, anyway." I said bluntly.

"What? Why?" My heart ached a little as his smile was replaced with a shocked one.

"I am not going to date someone I just met because a clock told me to."

He frowned. "Am I not good enough? Am I not attractive?"

No, you're stunning. "I guess you could say that."

"Oh." His voice lowered to a whisper as he redirected his gaze to his feet.

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