The Signs As Starbucks Coffee
Aries- Has actually never been to Starbucks.
Taurus- Tall Iced Skinny Mocha.
Gemini- Caramel Macchiato.
Cancer- straight black coffee.
Leo- Cafe Mocha.
Virgo- Venti Double Chocolatey Chip Frappuccino w/extra chocolate chip.
Libra- Tall Pumpkin Spice Latte w/no whip.
Scorpio- Grande Vanilla Bean Frappuccino w/extra whip.
Sagittarius- Caramel Frappuccino.
Capricorn- Cappuccino
Aquarius- Peppermint Anything.
Pisces- they don't like Starbucks, it's too mainstream.
The Zodiac Signs
Short StoryThe Signs As... Updated randomly. If you love astrology then you'll love to see what kind of pizza your sign is! (Some in the book are created by me, others I got off social websites. I will tell you when they are mine.)