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now that the weekends are over, jungkook and aya back to their normal, busy life. mornings ; aya will go to his house, fetch him and make sure he's ready, got his breakfast and go to work with him.

then, she'll be right besides him every meetings and arrange the schedules with all clients and business partners.

when its lunch, sometimes jungkook will have to be outside and she have to eat without him. or sometimes he don't have the time to eat and aya will buy something outside so they can eat together in the office.

but for sure every day they will go home together ; weather its early or really late. but different from the other couples, usually the boyfriend will send the girlfriend home. for them, aya will send him home first, he's the boss anyway.

but without her (or everyone else here)  knowing, jungkook send two personal bodyguards to make sure that she's home safely. well, as i said, he's the boss.

so anyway, today jungkook have a meeting outside, and aya have to be in office. in case someone need to meet or get a date for appointment. as she finished her works, she play the new game in her computer.

after winning few levels, she started to feel bored. "god i'm so talented at this. maybe i should quit this job and be an online gamer."

she shrugged and then search for her phone in the bag. naturally, she tapped the social media folder and click on instagram. she found out that her recent post got the most likes ever. like finally she's famous.


♡ jungkook_jk, wonuuuuu, hong_jisoo and 236 people like this

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jungkook_jk, wonuuuuu, hong_jisoo and 236 people like this.

jungkook_jk :
wonuuuuu : isn't that my grandparents house? seriously you guys?
jungkook_jk : @wonuuuuu get off from my girl's ig
wonuuuuu : @aya.lee break up with him
aya.lee : can't i just have my private time for myself? leave me alone, both of you 😑
wonuuuuu : you know you love me.
jungkook_jk : aw you know you love me.
aya.lee : ok wow
wonuuuuu : shit jungkook. f off i was her boss first.
jungkook_jk : back to your surgical room, einstein.

"actually they're so adorable." aya laughed. she shake her head and scroll up and down the feeds. when she's too engrossed in some stranger's account, suddenly someone come to her desk.

"hello?" a really feminine voice startled her. aya quickly keep her phone and shocked herself when she saw that person.

"hey? miss taehee!" she exclaimed. (throwback to the first chapter ; the girl that aya talked to before she fetch jungkook's mom)

"glad that you still remember me," taehee exhale a relief sigh. aya look at her, still gorgeous as ever with her pink classic slim fit sleeveless dress, her wavy long hair and her white sparkling clutch.

stunning. aya thought. but remembering that this successful gorgeous business woman is one of the girls that jungkook slept with, aya become breathless. what in the world that she want now?

"what can i do to help you, miss?" aya politely asked.

"is your boss here?" taehee look around. aya gulped and shake her head. "i'm sorry but he's not here. he's out for a meeting."


"if you have something— what?"

"i said, good that he's not here. i need you to come with me. right now." taehee grabs aya's wrist but aya insisted.

"but miss—"

"quick, before he come back." taehee go to aya's desk and grabbed her handbag for her, before dragging her to the elevator.


"can you repeat that again?" aya asked, blankly

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"can you repeat that again?" aya asked, blankly. shocked, feeling ridiculous, and every else in one. taehee dragged her to the nearest cafe to talk and suddenly—

"i need you to replace me on my wedding day with taehyung. i will pay you higher than jungkook ever offer to you! please." taehee said, holding aya's hands, tight. "i was shocked with this too. i just got back from europe and suddenly they told me to get married? i hate him and i think he hates me too so please. i will give you everything you want."

"i'm sorry i can't. this is too sudden and its not a small matter for me to help you. it's a marriage. its a serious business. i'm sorry i need to go now," aya was about to get up but taehee stop her.

"five million dollars, cash. right. now. please. you know that he likes you right?"

aya sighed and pull back her hand. "i have a boyfriend, and i'm not going to leave him for money."

"a boyfriend? who? i can talk to him,"

"its me."

taehee and aya turn around to that voice.

"boss," aya is shocked. jungkook snatched aya's hands from taehee and pulled her close to him.

"are you out of your mind, taehee? i know you can always do whatever you want but this isn't a matter you can order people around as you like."

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