Chapter 2: Her Safety is Everything!

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As (Y/n) got ready to fake throw Emmy into the water another pair of rubbery arms wrapped around her. Both girls looked at the arms around Emmy, confusion easily seen. (Y/n)'s grip tightened slightly around Emmy in order to not lose her. Just as her grip tightened both girls were shot in the air being pulled by the retracting arms.

"Aaeeaaeaaeeaaahhhh~!" Both screams merged into one.

They were closing in on a ship but (Y/n) knew they had too much momentum to have a soft landing. Flipping their bodies, (Y/n) had her back to the ship while she held Emmy close to her chest who held onto (Y/n)'s precious treasure.


  Dust covered everything making it nearly impossible to see. Coughing could be heard along with a mixture of voices. Emmy sat up feeling her head and trying to see through the smoke.

  "Ooooww," Emmy quietly whined, "actually that didn't hurt as much as it should have."

  Emmy felt something soft under her hand causing her to look down. Just underneath her was (Y/n), and Emmy's hand was on (Y/n)'s chest, quickly Emmy moved her hand and jumped off her companion.

  "Sorry!" Emmy yelped.

  (Y/n) was stunned for a bit, her mind processing what had happened. When her mind caught up she quickly sat up, ignoring her surroundings, and checked Emmy for any injuries.

  "Are you okay? Did you get hurt? How many fingers am I holding up? Do you need a doctor?" (Y/n) shot question after question at a rapid rate.

  "I'm fine I didn't get hurt thanks to you and your holding up four fingers plus a thumb," Emmy answered nervously.

  "Alright," (Y/n) said lowly the glared at the people around her, "who was the one that dragged us to this ship?"

  Those around her got a cold chill, including Emmy, instantly pointing to a boy with black messy hair and a straw hat. (Y/n)'s glared landed on the boy, he was unfazed by the glare and just stared back. (Y/n) slowly got on her feet and before anyone could react the boy's face was planted on the floor, some called out to the boy but it fell on deaf ears. Soon after everyone had out their weapons ready to attack. One male with green hair had three swords out and went to take a step forward but was stopped as Emmy stood in his path.

  "Please stop, she only hit him because I-" Emmy was cut short as (Y/n) snapped.


  It was silent for a few minutes, no one moving or making a sound. The silence was soon cut short when soft laughter reached their ears. The boy, who was once kissing the floor, sat up smiling as he faced (Y/n). Clearly confused (Y/n) just stared at the boy.

  "Shishishi, your a good guy then," he laughed out.

  (Y/n) blinked a few times before lowering herself to his level. She stared at him and his infectious smile as she felt herself doing the same action. Everyone seemed to relax, watching the interaction before tensing again when (Y/n) raise her hand. Gently she placed it on his uncovered hair and ruffled it slightly.

  "Your such a odd boy, Monkey D. Luffy," (Y/n) said.

  "How do you know my name?" Luffy asked tilting his head.

  "Mmmm, how indeed," (Y/n) said standing up, "Emmy we're leaving, we still have important people to meet."


Next time: Princess Vivi

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