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It was my first time at a rave and I was so excited and nervous, I had my three best friends with me. I imagined my first rave to be one for the books full of new experiences and tons of fun, little did I know I was going to meet a new friend.
So my friends and I were ready to get raving..if that's what you say lol. We were talking about this experience for months now. Yet in my heart I was jumping for joy, not only because of the endless fun I was going to have but I had a feeling that something life changing was going to happen. My friends kept asking me throughout the day if I was fine and I just told them I woke up feeling nervous not because it was my first rave but because I had this odd feeling in my heart.
The line up for day 1 at coachella was going to be amazing, I just hoped I didn't end up with a bad sun burn at the end of the day. As my friends and I were waiting to be let into the venue we starting talking to other people and how their past experiences at raves have been so much fun. One couple shared how they met at coachella and were glad they met because they were in a bad spot in their lives and they saved each other.
As soon as the doors opened we all ran our seperate ways.

(Laurens POV)

I had been to parties before but a rave full of fun, music and with some of my closest friends, I couldn't ask for a better weekend. I was just excited at the mere thought of being surrounded by so many people who cherish music as much as I do. I felt as if I was going to have a spiritual and soulful experience that would be life changing. I woke up with a sense of excitement and feeling as if my life was going to change one way or another.
As my friends and I were let into the venue we ran to a stage and started having the time of our lives not giving a care about the world.
As the day passed my friends and I got tired of standing and decided to go and sit down and relax for a while. We chose a spot that seemed chill and had a beautiful view. As my friends and I started talking and catching up I kept hearing someone laugh. It wasn't annoying but it was a laugh that sounded familiar one that I heard many lifetimes ago, as I turn my head to search for the soul with this laugh. I spot a girl wearing shorts and a 1975 tank top, she was with three other girls. I wanted to go over and introduce myself and compliment her laugh but I didn't want to seem like a creep so I stayed with my friends.

(A's POV (which is me) )

As my friends and I relaxed a bit and sat down in an open grass area. All we talked and laughed about was high school memories and how we were going to make more trips in the future. In the corner of my eye I could see this girl was looking at me, I didn't bother to make eye contact because she could have been looking at some one else. As soon as she looked away, I would look at her and I loved her black hair, those amazing eyes and that beautiful smile I couldn't resist looking away but I didn't want to be a creeper. My heart would start to beat faster every time I looked at her, I have never seen her before and yet she looked so familiar.
As soon as my friends and I were ready to go and join the other ravers I had to say hello to this girl because who knew if I was going to see her again. So I asked my friends if we could walk towards her direction so I could introduce myself and they surely agreed. As we walked closer my heart felt like it was about to implode.
She saw me walking towards her and she tried to look busy but I knew she wasnt. I walked up to her with some confidence and said hello. At first she didn't hear me but one of her friends stood up and said hi and as soon as we made eye contact I had the largest smile on my face and my mind went blank. My friends and her friends talked for about 10 minutes then we went our seperate ways. As my friends and I walked away I didn't remember anything she told me because I was memorized. I asked my friends what her name was and they said Lauren. My heart was content because I took a huge step and said hello but my mind just couldn't stop picturing her and in that moment I knew she was my muse.

(Laurens POV)

She came up to me and said hello I was trying to talk to her but she just gave me one worded answers and all I could focus on was her smile. In the corner of my eye I could see that she was staring at me but I was totally fine with it.

(A's POV)

Hours passed and in the last couple of hours my friends and I went crazy with the music and got lost in it, forgetting that it was 2 a.m. and that our feet ached so bad and that they would hurt even more the next day.

(Laurens POV)

As my friends and I were at the last set of day 1, I had been searching for her everywhere. Just hoping I could look and talk to her more. As I searched I saw in the distance a familiar face and I knew it was her. So I told my friends if we could get closer to the stage and little did they know I just wanted to get closer to her.
When we got close, my friends and I started dancing and then I slowly made my way to her. As soon as she saw me she gave me that amazing smile and we danced for the rest of the last set. When the music was gone we all walked to our cars and I was with her. We laughed the whole walk and all I could think of was this felt right. I didn't want her to go so I asked her if she wanted to stay somewhere on the grass and talk and she agreed.


It was one of the best nights for the girls, all they did was talk endlessly about life and what they aspired to do in the future. Not only was it destiny that they met in an area that shared both of their passions which was music but they both had a sense of familiarity with each other.

Alright well I know this story doesn't have anything super juicy but this is just my first story and there will be a part II next. Please bare with me guys and thank you for reading

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