Day Two

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I got three views on my last post. I really don't want to be the type who lives for views and subscribers so it was annoying when that temporarily made me forget what a crappy day I had. I noticed one of the views was from Canada. Ive actually been debating about going there this summer but I haven't decided where. Id like to say I'm a travel connoisseur but really I just want another stamp in my passport. (If your wondering I went to Amsterdam last year)

I went to work today-late-and had a customer inform me that my car had a flat tire. I picked up a night shift at my serving job to make some extra money and used my can of fix a flat. Good thing I bought that extra warranty. Normally I would blame the flat on my terrible driving but it actually wasn't my fault. I got screwed, Literally. ( Lol ) I live near a fancy college (Can you guess which one? Hint: The mascot is an amphibian) and theres always construction going on.Theres so many people in such a small area id rather drive 15 minuets  away rather then sit in a crowded room. Today I opted for asada taco's to-go.

I hate to admit it but I'm jealous of them. The college students with daddy's money who somehow end up with the best jobs, the happiest families, everything falls into place for them. They get DWI's, crash their fancy cars, sleep around and still end up on top. If I was born into suburban royalty would everything fall into place for me to?

If your wondering why I'm blogging about nothing its because I'm avoiding my music appreciation homework. Its my easy elective I really shouldn't procrastinate. Im taking it online so I don't have to worry about actually speaking to anyone lol. I have a group project coming up in biology and I'm trying to decide if I should take a zero and not worry or deal with public humiliation and a bad speaking grade. What do you think?

I think in my next post ill let you know a little about me and my life. Not just the dull griping I seem to be doing. Im debating putting a picture of myself but what if someone recognized me? Its not my looks I'm worried about (Im pretty average), I just worry that it might make me write differently. Im trying to be honest here. Ill put some thought into it. Anyways, If your still here comment anything you would like to know and I promise Ill answer them all, even if its a year from now.

Time to learn about the Baroque period. Yay! Im not even being sarcastic Im actually pretty into this stuff.

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