Lana Parrilla The Stable Boy

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Yeah Very much I mean, to know where all this derives from, it really helped give her this human quality that I think we don't really see in the Disney iconic Evil Queen Um but it definitely helped develop the characters Plural I love my office I've been looking for that wallpaper It's really beautiful This scene I really enjoyed, too Working with Bobby's always a joy But working with everyone's a joy But this scene, when he grabbed that apple, I remember saying to him, "Throw it Just toss it to me I'll catch it" And Bobby is, you know he's such a professional He's always afraid someone is gonna get hurt But I said "my father was a professional baseball player Trust me I can catch it" So he tossed it to me, and I never blinked Which is, uh, I don't know He thought this was quite impressive He's like, "You're not blinking" I said Nope" Yes There's very little rehearsals between Bobby and I We just, we've become very good friends, so there's a trust between us So we really can go anywhere with these characters and we know that it's safe to do so because we've become such good friends I love this scene I loved riding that horse I grew up riding horses And then took some time off for about 10 years, and started up again in my 20s And that's Jerry Jerry the horse Well, that's Barbara We saw Jerry There's Jerry She's phenomenal She's an incredible actress I was so happy, um when we hired her to play Cora She's a very focused, dedicated actress She and I actually rehearsed quite a bit Yeah While they were setting up And we went over that scene in the makeup trailer She would stand behind me while I was getting my hair and makeup done and run lines, and keep running lines, which I really appreciated Yeah I'm excited to play that They had me in a harness and you can kind of see it a little bit on the sides, although I was trying to hide it as much as I possibly could They had me in a harness and obviously those straps weren't really squeezing my torso So I had to pretend that they were But they had me up there for a while It was pretty cold that day We got lucky It wasn't raining Thanks It is It is Daniel Noah Bean Sweet guy He really took the time to get to know me He seemed very interested And we had a lot of conversations He was a very warm and a true gentleman He would get things for me I think he was really trying to connect He was only with us for a couple days It felt very refreshing to play the love I mean, we've seen the pained love Even with Henry, there's a pain there And with her father as well Yeah, a struggle But this love was so pure And, you know we'll see coming up But she really learned what true love was from Daniel What a healthy love is Oh, I love this scene too Yes There is You know, this whole episode for Regina is a big celebration And, um, I like this scene because you can tell, you can see, like the secrets are just babbling And she's just about to tell her what she really did, what Mary, or Snow White, rather did to her And then she just bites her tongue But, right there she's like And then walks away Yes And it really shows what She, Regina really has a pure heart here You know, I feel like she's really trying to protect everyone Daniel, her mother, her father Although I did hear the Brooklyn come out in me a little bit in the previous line I don't think I'll ever get rid of the Brooklyn in me It happened this afternoon This location is quite beautiful, too In Aldergrove, Vancouver And it's just beautiful Being there really helped me, too It just fed each scene Look at the land I mean, it's just gorgeous, that open sky And they actually shot this scene using a Russian Arm And these are the stunt girls who were incredible I could only wish one day I could ride like that Those girls do all the Cirque de Soleil What's show with the horses? Yeah I'm forgetting now Look at this" Did someone shrink Ginni? And stick her in the fountain of youth"? I love this moment In fact, Ginni and I saw this episode together And out of everyone in the room, she and I were both in tears over that scene We both broke down in tears I think because for 18 episodes we've been living in the bodies of these characters, and feeling them and their emotions And it's just, like, this was the moment when their relationship was healthy and pure, and they were just meeting, you know It was just such a It's so funny cause we had both started tearing up and we looked at each other and started laughing, and then hugged It was Yeah I love that And what's interesting is she's not playing that role and yet she felt Mmm-hmm Yeah And we were something different Yeah Ginni thought she goes, "I was really great in that scene" Bailee was She is a fantastic actress And such a professional Yes This is Alan Dale Mmm-hmm It's beautiful I remember when they showed us that shot with our stand ins and it was just, like what a great eye Dean has my mother commented on that, too We were watching it the other night and she said, she goes, "I love that look Lana" Mmm-hmm It's definitely not premeditated Like, they just, they come out I listen You know, I listen And obviously And the focus, too Like that last shot, she's really focused on Mary Margaret This is my Beaches scene Yes It's very short lived, but I asked Barbara if we can have a Beaches moment And it's just, this is the moment It's just when we're friends Yeah It's heartbreaking Yes And Regina understands that She does She doesn't necessarily agree with it, but she understands it Right This scene was actually funny Barbara and I couldn't stop laughing It was 3:00 in the morning when we shot it and Dean White, our director, was really upset with us We were so delirious Oh, this scene Aww Mmm-hmm You can get caught up just watching it Yes I mean, more so as, you know, we move towards the later scenes But what I really wanted to embody was just the innocence and the purity of Regina The love and the hope in her Yes But, you, know, there is a toughness with her mother, too She does stand up to her, which I like that she's not afraid to her, to the point where she Well, Regina really wants to protect Snow I get that scene And playing it, that's what I discovered, was, you know, this is a little girl she wants to be a great example of a woman for her right? Mmm-hmm Yes Mmm-hmm Oh yeah I did thought a lot about it But I felt like the ultimately, she was giving her a gift She was giving her a gift because this little girl doesn't have a mother And we don't know what her life is going to be like from here on out Cause she, Regina didn't think her father would propose to her She didn't think that At this point, Regina's running away with Daniel But if this is the last thing she can give Snow White is to just share with her what true love is What a gift And it's true, Eddie Regina does respect the King quite a bit because he is a good man Mmm-hmm Well, and it trumps everything Everything, Power,money Everything everything And I love that Regina is so grounded and trusts her intuition enough to know that Like, she wants to run away with Daniel She doesn't care about being Queen She doesn't care about the riches and all that that comes with it Mmm-hmm She's fantastic So focused In fact, she's wearing contacts cause her eyes are really brown, but Ginni's eyes are a hazel green And she said hours before she needed to put them in, "Could I have those contacts in, please? I want to get used to them "Wow! Yes But I loved that she wanted to wear them so she didn't have to think about it and it wouldn't be a distraction later when she was filming You know, it was She's smart Oh, she's She really studied Ginni, too And she told me that That she was watching a lot of the episodes and just studying Ginni And she captured everything I mean every, every little nuance Every little expression I love Eion in this scene Yeah, me, too Mmm-hmm Mmm-hmm This is a great, really great scene I made it a point to share that with both of them, too 'Cause they just rock this scene I like their whole dynamic in this episode together They really play well Troll bridge Mmm-hmm That jacket actually was Jen owns the original Course Eduardo said, "I love that coat Let's get it made" It's awesome Looks great on her Oh, yeah Regina's so smart This is one of my favorite moments with Jared Dean White with the hammer "We need a hammer" I love how they reveal the shovel Yeah It's really well done It's awesome "We got her" No I don't know everyone's lines Gosh This is great This scene This was a tricky scene I mean, I'm not in it but it played beautifully And, you know, you really see here that Cora is wanting that relationship with her daughter that she's never been able to have, you know? Mmm-hmm And Barbara shared with me We met over the weekend before we started shooting, and she said, I've made a choice, "and anytime you touch me, I can just break down in tears Like, every time you touch my arm or you hug me, "I can just break down in tears" "I love you that much". And she said it earlier, like, in a couple lines not far back She's paved the path When I see Regina right following that scene, my heart just breaks for her Like, I Just in that moment I, after Snow Yeah It's just, like, you see Regina now and you get it You get why she is the way she is from that previous scene It's just a great reveal She opens that door and you're just like No, I was having fun with her I wanted to play that I didn't That I was caught I wanted to play that I was caught Yeah 'Cause I know the new shovel's in the garage Every time Regina/the Queen talks of Snow White, there is just this "I will destroy you" Mmm-hmm She's taken it from me I remember in the audition I looked at you after and I said, "I really feel her pain" And you both looked at me and went, "Yes" Yeah, that wrap It was fun walking around the Disney lot like that I love this scene Yeah She's won It was really hard for me to be I mean, I had to really, like separate myself from Ginni, because when you see her crying the way she is and pleading and how Regina is just smiling through it all and enjoying it and celebrating It was, like I love this scene It's powerful And Ginni's great in it This is when she I wanted to cry There were so many moments I wanted to cry Look at her She's just like, "I'm loving this" No You know, I remember thinking, and we shot this scene after I'd worked with Bailee on you know some of the other scenes And I just touched A part of me missed touching her I just missed touching her when I was kind and loving towards her Mmm-hmm Like, I wanted her to stop crying And to calm her like she did in the true love scene Yes Yes This was a great scene The stunt was awesome, too, by the way That stunt was awesome You also see how easily persuaded Regina can be, because she does love her mother And see how she's just, like, I feel like her mother can really just bring her in and just control her, as she has all these years And having Daniel there is like a cornerstone He's really her support, I feel like And there's the magic again Which, by the way, I like that they added that in 'Cause I don't That was perfect 'Cause Barbara said, "I just want to put my hands up and I think that's enough" And it was And it was just I think ultimately for Regina, like, her happy ending would be having both of them You know? Like, in peace Loving each other Having a healthy relationship with her mother and having Daniel by her side Yes And her true love Mmm-hmm This is when Jerry the horse would freak out in the stables in this moment Every time I would yell, "No" and run over to Daniel, we had a horse in the stable and he would just start making sounds and kicking the door He was very We had to walk him and we had to escort him outside He was replaced Yeah, which , you know, I talked to Dean about that and I said,? Can we just do it and see?" Cause that's true love's kiss, it's kind of like it's commonly known Yeah" Pull yourself together" Wipe those tears off your face" So sad I love how she lifts my face She lifts my chin and Even for me watching it, it creeps me out a little bit Transform That's true It's like, " Hi Eddie Hi, Adam I gotta go" Yeah, take five and This scene was very challenging for me, for both Dean and I We were really trying to find the moment when the transformation happens And we sat with the script for days and days, just breaking it down And every night I would read this scene, every day, multiple times, seeing what other new things I could discover And up until the day of shooting rehearsal, and while they were setting up the cameras, that's when we found it It all just came together and it was this moment I remember thinking, too, I hope I don't scare Bailee too much And this was the last scene we did together, too I remember thinking, too, like, there's so many inner thoughts and you know, Regina, in this moment thinking "This selfish little girl," you know , Just wants a mother". Yeah This moment too, you can see how pained she is and just holding and she's just holding it together Like, she's just really Mmm-hmm Right and this is the first compliment she's heard in a very long time And this is perfect, when Cora says this line It's exactly what the Evil Queen does all the time "I don't No idea what you're talking about " Yeah Yeah a lot of people get it They really do It's amazing the audience's response to this episode Yeah I, "Now we get why she hates Snow White so much." Bobby, No he doesn't No, he doesnt He just doesn't tell you everything Yeah Yeah He's potilically savvy He really would Uh-oh Yeah, he just owns the town A-ha! And this is when you discover Sidney Glass still works for the mayor I know It's so heartbreaking It's a tool Yeah It because It did Cause he would do anything for her Yeah Yeah Yep They really are I like Eion And he's a great stranger Mmm-hmm And now it's Regina and Mr Gold and Regina go to war Again Kathryn That was great It was Rock on, Evil Regals Thank you Yes, thank you and everyone who was part of this, all the names, Steve Jackson, Michael Joy And fantastic episode Thank you Yeah Thank you Bye

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