pov trey
me: just leave him here
ellen: no he could get hurt alone
me: its a fake baby
Ellen no: trey Jr is a real baby and your his father so we take him with us.
me: ugh ok
pov: ellen
we drive to my house
I walk in and run to my room with baby trey and start to pack. trey walks up in to my room.
me: I told you to wait out side! .
trey: it was boring
me: so you want to watch me pack
trey: yep
me: ugh
I zip up my bag as trey Jr started to cry I picked him up an started to humm rock a by baby.
me: rock him and sing to him please
trey: ok
trey started to sin rebel love song
he sounded amazing. I found my self swaying to the sound of his voice
trey Jr. stopped crying.
me: you sound amazing;
trey: thanks and I saw you danceing to the sound of my voice
I picked up my black fluffy pillow and through it at him