New Arrival

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Veigar's POV

   "Here is the yordle that you asked for."
   "Ahhhhh yes. This one looks promising. I assume he was with the other smuggling yordles?"
   "Yes sir."
   "Perfect! I've been wanting to try out some new torture techniques, and I've never used a yordle before. Let's see how far this one goes..."

   "I'LL KILL YOUUUU!!!" I sat up in bed, drenched in a cold sweat, gasping for air. My hands balled in tight fists, nails cutting in my palms.

   "It was... just a dream... I'm free... I'm... free..." I lied back down in bed, the backside of my right hand rested on my forehead. I let myself rest there for a bit, trying to get myself back under control. After a few minutes I got out of bed and got ready for the day. Halfway through my daily morning chore list, I was rudely interrupted by a disembodied voice.

   "All champions please meet in the Main Break Room in five minutes for a special announcement. We have a new champion joining us!"

   "Who cares," I thought, "just another person I have to avoid." I finished up my morning chores and stepped outside. The sun shone brightly on my face. I pulled my hat down tighter around my head.

   "Accursed Sun, you're too bright," I complained. I shut the door behind me and walked along the worn dirt road. I had to walked for some time before I finally reached the Main Break Room. I opened the door and wasn't surprised to see that I was the last one to arrive. I did get here really late. The room was large, full of long tables and benches. The place was pretty packed with every single Champion here. The ceiling was quite high where intricate and beautiful chandeliers hung. An ambassador from the Institute of War spoke upon a podium.

   "That's it for the introductions! Please make this new arrival feel welcomed!"

   "Welcome to the League," said a Champion.

   "I can't wait to see what you do on the field!" spoke another.

   "AW YEA A NEW SUPPORT!" yelled a Champion.

   "It's already too loud and annoying," I thought, "I should just leave, clearly no one noticed me coming ins-"

   "Hey Veigar! You made it!"

   "Oh my, that voice... please don't let it be him..."

   "Yo! Veigar?" I looked to my left and sure was Teemo.

   "Yes I did and now I'm leaving," I said as I was turning around.

   "Whaaaaaat?! Leaving? But you just got here and you don't know who the new champion is!" Teemo whined.

   "I don't care! I'm leaving and you can't stop me!" I gave Teemo an evil stare.

   "If I can't stop you, I know who can..."  smirked Teemo.

   "Don't you dare or I swea-"

   "TRIST, POPPY, I FOUND VEIGAR!!! HE'S OVER HERE!!!" yelled Teemo. The other Champions that were around us took a couple steps back. 

   "I need to go...NOW!" I thought, but it was too late. Two female yordles charged through the crowd of Champions. They reached me before I was even out the door. Man, today is the worst day...

   "Veigar you made it!" shouted Poppy happily.

   "Wow, didn't think you could make it over here. Thought you had evil things to take care of," joked Tristana. The three yordles chuckled a bit.

   "I am evil..." I growled, feeling myself get pretty worked up over that comment, "STOP LAUGHING!!!" I raised both of my fists in anger. A deadly purple aura was starting to flow around me.

   "Okay okay, Veigar. Sorry, calm down now," Tristana chuckled.

   The three yordles suppressed their giggles before they continued speaking. Poppy took a step forward towards me.

   "While you're here, why don't you
find out who the new Champion is? At least this trip would not have been a total waste for you," gently spoke Poppy.

   What she said was true. At least I could get some information off of this new Champion. Find out who this new support is and go back to my studies.

   "Fine, so who is it? Who is this new support that got you three on cloud nine?" I asked.

   None of them answered. At first I was about to just straight up leave, but then I felt a light tug on the back of my sleeve. I turned around and saw something that shocked me. The small figure did a slight curtsy.

   "Hi! I'm Lulu, the Fae Sorceress."


Author's Note:
   Well that's the pilot chapter for Light Within the Dark. I hope you all enjoyed it. I'll be continuing this because I myself am quite curious to see what I can do with this story. Please feel free to comment, I won't mind at all :D

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