Chapter 9: You Know Nothing Of Loyalty

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Laf's Pov:

Herc and I had just made it back to our dorm. Herc was acting different than normal. I mean I did notice that when I put my arm around Alex, a jealous look clouded his face, but I thought it was nothing.

"Herc are you ok?" I asked slightly tilting my head at him.

"Yea. Why?" He said.

"You just don't seem the same since we went to John and Alex's." I said walking over to the bathroom to fix my hair.

"No, I'm fine." He said

I could tell he was lying but I didn't want to press the situation. I'll try again later. I grabbed my expensive hair gel that I had imported from France.

He didn't seem fine, I thought to myself. I hoped nothing I did bothered him, and if it did, what did I do? I wish he would tell me. I wanted to make sure he was ok. While I was doing my hair, all these thoughts raced through my head, but they were disturbed when I heard something come crashing down. I dropped the bottle that was in my hand and ran out of the bathroom with my hair sticking out everywhere, to see the bookshelf that was next to the couch, was now on the floor. I scanned the room to see Herc sitting on the couch, flushed red.

"Mon ami, what happened?" I asked.

After I said "Mon ami", Herc had a surprised and confused look on his face. It went away when he shook his head and said while looking down at his hands, "Um... nothing."

"Herc..." I said eyeing him suspiciously.

"Ok...Ok... Fine... I was trying to get a book that I put on the very top of the shelf, but when I tried to grab it, I got pushed farther back so I... kinda... stood on the book shelf to get it and that's when it fell." He said.

I chuckled to myself and shook my head "Herc you know you could've asked me to get it for you."

"I- I didn't want you to see the book I was grabbing." He said with a blush rising in his face.

"Why?" I ask walking over and sitting next to him, while dodging the books all over the floor.

" 'Cause it's kind of embarrassing." He said.

"Ok." I said, acting like I didn't care. But of course I did. And if I knew Herc, he'd tell me what I wanted to hear, as long as it kept my attention on him. That's one of the little quirks I love about him.

"Ok fine I'll tell you." He said finally.

I smirked to myself. "I knew that would work."

"The book" He stuttered.

"Little women." He muttered.

I couldn't stop a giggle from arising.

"What's so funny?" He said with a slightly hurt tone.

"I just find it funny that you thought you couldn't tell me." I said.

I pulled him in for a hug. We stayed in that position for a few seconds until I heard laughing. He pulled away and burst out into laughter.

"Now to you, what's so funny?" I asked.

"It's... it's... your... hair." He said between laughing and pointing at my hair.

I shot him a glare and walked over to the bathroom, to see some of my hair in a pony tail, while the rest was spewing in all directions. I picked up the bottle on the floor and quickly threw my hair in a messy ponytail.  Then, I went out and helped Herc pick up the books.

John's Pov:

After Herc and Laf had left, Alex went back to typing on his computer. "Of course" I muttered. I went into my room and flopped on my bed. I just lied there, looking at the ceiling and pondering the kiss. "Did he mean it? Or did he do just to make me not look stupid?" My thoughts were interrupted when I heard thud outside of my room and the excessive typing noise stop. I got up from my bed and went to open the door to see Alex's head on the keyboard. I walked up to him and notice he is asleep and a line of Q's running across his document. I deleted the Q's and scrolled to the top of the 9 page document. I was going to save it but the heading caught my eye. It said "My Dearest, Laurens" was he writing it to me? The title also seemed familiar but I couldn't remember where from. I didn't want to invade his privacy, so I stopped there. I saved the document and moved his head so I could close the computer. I picked up the sleeping boy and laid him down on his bed. I quietly walked out of the room and shut the door.

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