Chapter 10 - Weak

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Ok! Wow! I don't usually update this frequently. Let's just hope I can still keep this pace! Also, for those who really like this story, I'm gonna ask if I could have some feedback. I want to know how you feel about this story! How you like the characters (or not like), or how the story can be improved, or just any general comment you have!

Thank you for keeping with me this far! It's truly an honor!

Also real quick before I let you go, his chapter has a lot of strong language. Like a lot a lot. So here is my warning. 



Nyx's POV

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK.

Large metal devices should not be able to fly in the air. Okay fine I'll admit it. I, Nyx, am terrified of flying. Granted I never actually flew in a plane before but I'm already not very fond of it. I threw up a few times and it's only been about twenty minutes since we left the ground. I can hear snickering from others in the council. By other members, I mean Aldrich and Cacia. Both of them can kiss my ass.

"Nyx, you're getting pale again. Do you need anything?" I heard Layla asked. Her voice was so soft and gentle. I would appreciate it so much more if we weren't in this state of flying. I opened my eyes and looked over at her. Her brown eyes were filled with worry. I slowly shake my head no, I don't think I can use words yet. "Are you positive?" Before I can nod, Syren showed up with a small cup full of fizzing liquid.

"Here, let her try it. It helps soothe me on long plane rides." He offered. Layla took it and placed it in front of me. I like Syren. He's actually kind of chill compared to the rest of them. He's the first pure vampire that's decent. His red eyes actually show concern. Not to mention he's good looking. If I didn't know he was a vampire I'd say he's in his forties. Maybe a hot dad kind of guy if I was into guys at all. Who the hell knows. Get me off this flying deathtrap.

"Thank you." I got out before shakingly took the cup. I took a few deep breaths, down the hatch it goes.

"Now the trick-" He stopped himself as I took it like shot. It tasted awful. I coughed a few times and beat my chest to get the coughing to subside."Is to take it slow. Or you could do that." He smiled and shook his head before he went back to his seat. Layla gave me a soft smile.

"Who wants to bet she'll lose her shit?" I heard Cacia ask the group. That earned a few snickers from the council members. I can't wait until I get the chance to have her eat her words.

"Who wants to bet I'll do more than break Cacia's nose?" I asked right after. This earned a few more laughs and a glare from Cacia.

"That's enough you two." Ivah ordered as she walked down the aisle. She turned to look at Cacia. "Let her be. If I recall correctly you're not very fond of being in dark enclosed spaces." Even though I'm completely terrified, a smirk crept onto my face. Claustrophobic bitch. "And as for you Nyx," Oh shit. "You're lucky to be here right now."

"Yes, ma'am." I answered. After she walked away the plane shook. I felt it. It shook. I quickly grabbed the armrests and shut my eyes. My knuckles turned white from my tight grip. Layla placed a hand on my shoulder.

"It's ok. It's just turbulence." I heard her whisper. "You're ok. Breathe." She murmured. Easy for her to say. I'm the one dying over here. I finally opened my eyes. Ok, it's warm in here. Very warm, maybe even hot. I'm sweating and my hands are clammy. I quickly take off the sweater I was wearing, Layla folded it and watched me carefully. Okay, that didn't help all that much. It's still too hot. I took a few deep breaths.

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