Chapter 21 - Casual

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Hello, my beauties! I know I said I would update in 2018 and only just did like 23 days late but oh well! I'm here! Now as a quick warning, this chapter is more of a filler between two large plot points. There is also I think two questions answered just to give you all some info! I really hope you enjoy and I already started the next chapter so there isn't much of a wait!


Layla's POV

I have to wait two weeks. Two severely long and weeks. What will I even do? I haven't had a day off since I started working for the Council. I have done nothing but research and Council duties. I don't think I even have hobbies to be perfectly fair. I mean I had hobbies before I was turned but back then I had a life and a plan but now, I don't. I don't find enjoyment in those things I once loved. In fact, the only thing I enjoy is research and work and spending time with Nyx. Now, I'm just sitting in my office looking around. I have a lot of books in here. There are so many medical charts and records and yet I've memorized most of them. A small knock came from the door and Cacia walked in.

"Braxton. We need you." I nodded and stood up, adjusting my blouse. I'm on suspension. What could they want from me? I haven't done anything wrong! Well that's not exactly correct. I haven't done anything against my suspension. However, I simply followed Cacia through the halls. We started heading to the interrogation rooms that we had. I don't want to be in there again. I don't want to be interrogated again. However, when I entered, the single seat was already taken.

"Hello there friend! It's been awhile! Where's our little pet?" Eric sat there with a cocky grin on his face. I haven't had to deal with him in awhile and I almost forgot how awful he is. Almost. I still have the puncture wound from his mother. I turned to look at Cacia.

"He said he wanted to talk to you." Cacia then left us alone. I crossed my arms as I stood in front of him.

"You wanted to talk to me?" I asked carefully. He nodded almost excitedly.

"Yes I do! It's obvious that we both have a pet that happens to share the same vessel. So, I was thinking, you take all of the pet's blood, give it to me, and you can keep the body." I just stared at him. How mentally deranged was this man? "I'm guessing that's a no. I can take the blood from her body if it's to much for you."

"Nyx is not a pet and she will not be touched." I deadpanned. He made a tsk noise.

"All humans are pets." He told me. I felt confusion rise in me.

"Eric, you're a human." He shook his head and blew his blonde hair out of his face.

"No. No, no, no. I have a human body. But I am not human. I am a wizard. I use magic. I'm far more advanced than humans. Humans should be terrified of my capabilities." He murmured.

"You don't look very terrifying." I quipped. Eric only started to laugh. I felt my chest tighten at that laugh. It was a knowing laugh. He knows something important that I don't.

"Oh, I'm only scary to creatures like you. The ones that are terrifying are the ones coming for our little pet. They could even give that old lady ahead of you nightmares." He started laughing harder. I felt fear creep up into me. Before I could give him anymore amusement, I swiftly left. I turned to see the Priestess and Aldrich.

"Do you really think he's telling the truth?" I asked them softly. Aldrich only adjusted his tie.

"Whether he is or isn't he believes that it's true. I can read him perfectly." He murmured before looking at the Priestess.

"Then we have no choice but to prepare." The Priestess murmured and bowed her head. "Ms. Nyx needs to find out her purpose and quickly if she wants a chance to survive." I nodded. She was correct. I hated that she was but there's nothing I can do. I can just help realize her purpose. "Thank you for the assistance Ms. Braxton." I nodded and walked back to my office. However, I was almost there when I saw Nyx shaking glitter and confetti from her hair.

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