1: Bitch Fight

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WD: Okay guys let's watch this vid

Milz: For fucks sake again?

WD and the guys were chillin and watching YouTube. But is soon gonna start into a bitch fight

Fran: We've watched this more than........Dunno

WD: But it's fuckin class cmon

Milz: NO we're watchin Miniminter. That's class

Lilz: Bitch plz. Simon?! His vids are shiiiiiiiiiittt

Milz: .........U wot m8?!

Delt suddenly butts in before shit gets down

Delt: If we can't decide, let's just watch classic Zerkaa

Fran: Piss off JJ's the best

WD: Oh ye who is fuckin emotionless and eats KFC 24/7

Fran: What's wrong with that? You like Ethan!

WD: And what?......He's funny

Milz: Ye and off his fuckin nuts

WD: U wot Bitch?!?!?

Metab tries to stop shit

Metab: Guys guys lets all calm down, take deep breaths and calm okay?

Others: *Deep breathing*

Metab: ...........Now let's all watch abit of Dan and Phil

Others: NO!

Lilz: I can agree wit that

While the other girls were fighting, WD was secretly watching a try not to laugh vid of Behzinga. As she was pissing herself laughing, she also fell in love with him. But will not tell the others.

The next day: School - WD, Milz, Fran and Delt were in Reception

Milz: Just wait there I have to put some cash on my card

Delt: Hurry up then! I wanna go to sixth form, it's boring here.

Fran noticed a poster on the wall.

Fran: Guys, take a look at this.

The girls walked over to where she was pointing at

WD: And what? It's just Aspiration Friday, nothing special

Milz: Ye it's shit

Delt: I never go to them

Fran: Yeah but look at who's doing it this week!

They all looked closely at the name.


Milz: Someone from Insomnia is coming?! HERE?!?!

Fran: Looks like it

Delt: Not just anyone from Insomnia, Look!

Under the name it said "the director/creator of Insomnia"

Milz: Someone pinch me, I must be dreaming

WD: This is amazing!

Suddenly, Lilz and Metab came out of nowhere.....like seriously from mid air......HOW THE FU-

Lilz: Hey guys, what you talkin bout?

Metab: Is it Dan and Phil I wonder?

The others look at Metab strictly....Then looked at the poster....Can someone explain how they-

Milz: The director from Insomnia is coming for Aspiration Friday this week!


Delt: Umm, ye

Lilz fainted.

Metab: Uhhh, I'm gonna go get her some water.

Metab and wasted Lilz left. Meanwhile, Caitlin was walking up to the others.

Caitlin: Hey guys what's going on?

WD: If we tell you, you won't faint right?

Caitlin: Umm, it depends on how exciting it is

WD: Oh okay, well-

Milz interrupted with a fake rumour.

Milz: Mr. Sharp's leaving....

Caitlin: W-what? This ca-can't be ha-ha-happe-

Caitlin fainted.

Fran: Well......Now we know how she can faint.

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