After school, WD went on the bus and sat by herself. She plugged in her earphones from her IPhone and started to listen to Ed Sheeran. Then she closed her eyes and started dreaming about meeting Ethan. Should she ask him out? Or maybe even propose? Nah nah that's crazy, she don't even know him! But it does sound like heaven! Imagine it, Mrs.Behz, It has a ring to it actually. Then Metab came along.
Metab: Hey, mind if I sit here?
WD: Oh, not at all! Sure.
Metab: Thanks, man doesn't Insomnia sound awesome?
WD: Yeah defo, I wonder how much the tickets are gonna be tho
Metab: Duh, same price as every year!
WD: I hope so...
Metab: Well I hope that I get the chance to get into the Dan and Phil show, meeting Phil would be like making out with a Unicorn!
WD: Ummm......
Rhys Popped out from nowhere
Rhys: AWKWARD!....
When WD's bus stopped at her place, she walked home and went upstairs. She got changed into her Spongebob PJ's and lay on her bed with her laptop.
WD: Okay, let's see how much these tickets are fam.
She looked on the Insomnia website, it was filled with color and info about it.
WD: Shit, he really wasn't joking about it being better huh?
She clicked on the ticket section and it opened with the prices of different selections.
WD: Okay, let's ava look. Family tickets, children's, adult's.........aha! Gadeem! (deez nutz phrase)
WD clicked on the 16 and under ticket prices......then she screamed like she was being murdered cos that's what it sounded like.
WD: £100?! Nah that's not right! What about the Sidemen tickets??
It was sold out......I guess you can see where this is coming from.
WD quickly opened up Oovoo and called them in a group straight away.
Others: Hey!
Milz: What's up?
WD: Guys, it's the Sidemen show at Insomnia.
Caitlin: What about it?
Others: SOLD OUT?!?!
Lilz: It's gonna be alright guys don't worry about it.....did it say anything about the Dan and Phil show?
Metab joined the group call. She sounded really upset.
Lilz: WHAT?!
Lilz fainted......once again ffs.
WD: So is the Sidemen! That was our only chance and it's GONE!
Delt: Come on I'm sure there's another way!
Fran: Delt, didn't you hear her? It's sold out and that's it!
Just now, Milz came up with a savage idea.
Milz: Or maybe....There is another way!
WD: Okay Milz you're talking bullshit now..........what is it?
Milz: If we won't be able to get in......then why can't we let ourselves in?
The others looked confused but yet curious on what she was saying.
WD: go on
Milz: What I'm saying is, if it's sold out, we could just sneak into the show!
Fran: She's gotta point WD. If we do sneak in at least we've got a chance of getting to see the Sidemen in person!
WD: Okay....I like it! In fact, fuck it. I love this plan!
Caitlin: It's alright but.....what are we gonna tell our parents on the night of the show?
Others: ....SHIT!
The guys were thinking hard about this. Harder than they ever have done before. So hard that their brains started to get cramp....NAH just messin' round with ya, they wouldn't think that hard, Jesus!.......But yeah they were thinking bout it.
Metab: Wait! Can't we just all go to a premier Inn or a Travelodge in London? Then we can go.
WD: Yeah but the tickets are a hundred quid! Where are we gonna get the money from fam?
Fran: We could ask our parents for it maybe?
WD: Like that'll work!
They thought again....actually trying this time seriously!
Caitlin: Wait a minute guys!
Others: What?
Caitlin: It's April right?
Fran: Yeah it's when I start doing my lambing
Caitlin: Okay..well isn't the school doing an Easter Fayre tomorrow?
Delt: Yeah what you tryin to say?
Caitlin: Isn't there a cake sale on?
Lilz: Not just a sale!
Milz jumped out of her sofa, looking really surprised
Milz: Fuck! Lilz you awake?!
Lilz: Um yeah AGES ago! I just didn't speak cos I was watching Dan n Phil with my earphones in.
Milz: Hehe...who else but Lilz?
Lilz: YAS! Anyway, there's not just a boring cake sale, there's a massive competition being held there! They say a big ass prize is to be won
WD: What's the prize?
Lilz: Dunno, but I heard that it may be in cash!
Metab: Well can't we join with u? Together we can make the biggest most badass cake anyone's ever seen!
Lilz: That could work! Alright then! Guys get your asses over at my place, we're gonna make this thing!
The girls agreed with Lilz plan and all got a lift up to her place. This is all so exciting! I wonder what's gonna happen next! Stay tuned for the next-
WD: Oi Fam shut the fuck up you talk too long!
The Ladd's smile
Fanfiction"I wish I would get the chance to see his smile up close.......Like fuck that'll happen" WD and her best mates were in love with the Sidemen, a group of lads who do shit together and create banter. But she had her eye caught on someone special, f...