The Dark Devils

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*Skye's POV*

"Jax! Where did you put my scrubs? I have to get to work, you dolt," I growl down the stairs.

"They're in your closet Mace! I washed and put them up." I hear him yell back. Taking a deep breath, I stomp back to my closet in my blood red and black underwear set, and start searching through my closet for the third time this morning. When I don't spot it, I glance at the clock. If I don't leave in the next 20 minutes, I'm going to be late for work and lives literally depend on me.

"Jaxon Mitchel Danvers! If you don't get your sorry arse up here NOW and help me find my clothes, so help me God I will cut off your dick and staple it to the wall!" I yell down at him from the top of the stairs. I don't care if he's not alone, I will kill him.

I hear him stomping up the stairs and step back, placing my hands on my hips and glaring at him. He looks up at me sheepishly, and attempts to hide the bulge in his pants and the fresh marks dotting his bare chest.

So he did have a guest.

I move aside and make a sweeping gesture. He takes one step and stops, looking at everything but me. I glance around and laugh at his discomfort. He hates seeing me in anything revealing, though it's not as bad as when we first met. I couldn't wear bomb shorts or scoop tees around him for years.

Looking back at him I raise my eyebrows, only to notice that he is trying to back down the stairs.

"Oh no you don't." I grumble and grab his arm to pull him the rest of the way up and to my room. Wordlessly, I point to the clock and notice that his eyes widen a fraction. He knows how important my job is and speeds to my closet, grabbing my red scrubs. I scrunch my face up and look at him like he's crazy.

No way am I wearing red the week of Valentine's Day. Maybe when Hell freezes over.

"You know I hate the color red. It's associated with love, and you know how I feel about it, not to mention it's almost Val's Day." I say in exasperation. Jax doesn't move.

"Where are my black scrubs?" I ask with an edge to my voice, crossing my arms over my chest.

When he looks at the floor with a frown, a blush rushing to his cheeks, I get a very bad feeling. I remember him saying something about black scrubs being sexy, if only they were on his boyfriend instead. The truth hits me like a sledgehammer in the chest. I take a step back from my bestfriend.

"You didn't. Please tell me you didn't?" I ask, horrified.

"I didn't? I was going to return them I swear." Jax mumbles.

I look around hoping that I'm dreaming. This can't be happening right now. I glance at the clock and notice that my 20 minutes has dwindled down to 10.

Fuck Hades. I think Hell has actually frozen over.

Grabbing my red scrubs, I glare at Jax. I throw them on, put my hair in a bun, grab my car keys and purse. As I breeze out the door, I glance back at Jax to see that he hasn't moved an inch. I sigh and walk back to him.

"I'm not mad at you. But you do owe me a new pair, no actually two. If you wanted them so badly, you should've asked. I would've gotten you some. Just, don't do it again. Promise me?" I look into his hazel eyes.

"I'm really sorry. I promise, never again."Jax sighs and squeezes me tightly. I give him a nod, and I'm out the door, heading down the stairs. I blow him a kiss and practically sprint to my car. I speed to work and manage to make it in time. Looking down for the thousandth time this morning, I remember the red scrubs, and I know this day will go to shit.

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