A Rival

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Opening my eyes, I groan and sit up. Looking at my clock, I realize I've missed my usual church service, and it is now almost one in the afternoon.

Oh well. I'm just too tired. 

I manage to stumble out of bed, down the stairs, into the kitchen, and lay my aching head on the counter. 

"Good morning, Pumpkin" Jax greets me in a high-pitched, girly, sing-song voice. 

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." I growl at him, covering my ears.

Feeling my body about to give out, I plop my shaking legs and sore arse onto a bar table, then lay my head in my arms. Feeling eyes on me, I look up at Jax and Jim, who has somehow materialized next to the fridge. Not feeling up to talking, I raise a questioning eyebrow at them. 

They share a look, and I can feel myself becoming weary. They're hiding something, but I don't have the energy to care right now. I roll my eyes, and go back to half-sleeping on the table. 

I pop one eye open, in time to see Jax open his mouth and get interrupted by the doorbell. Groaning and covering my ears, I grab some of the coffee Jim made, and shuffle my way towards the elevator by the kitchen. While I'm waiting for it to come down from the basement, I take large gulps of coffee, and feel myself waking up. 

"Hey Pledges. If you don't remember me, I'm Cameron, your senior brother...and Dark Devils VP." I hear a familiar voice state from the door.  My muddled, half-asleep mind manages to process multiple things at once. 

One: the elevator is closing, two: I'm still wearing my sheer nightie, so I'm basically naked, and three: Cameron, the DARK DEVILS VP is at my house and I had a dream about him last night. I'm both breathless and speechless when I realize all of this, and make a mad dash for the stairs, only to skid to a halt.  

Today will be a rough day, I can already feel it. Oh, Lucifer help me. 

I have to cross the living room, and pass the FRONT DOOR before I can even set foot on the steps, not to even make it up  3 flights of stairs to my floor.


I turn and head back towards the kitchen, to slip out into the backyard. I'm about 2 steps away from the door, when I hear a wolf whistle behind me. 

Goddammit. So friggin close. 

I stop, take a deep breath, and slowly turn around, sipping my coffee as though I wasn't just caught trying to escape. I avoid the eyes of the person who whistled, and smile sweetly at Jax and Jim. They both take a few steps back and look everywhere but at me, knowing that once Cameron leaves, they are both fucked. 

Big time. 

Taking a deep breath, I meet Cameron's eyes. They're still as beautiful and deadly as they were when I met him, two days ago. {A/N it's now Sunday}. I notice that his eyes stay focused on my face, and he doesn't once look down at my body. I silently thank Lucifer and salute Cameron for having self control

"Hello, and welcome to my home Cameron. How can we help you today?" I ask as politely as I can manage in my muddled, half-asleep state.

He surveys me, and I watch as his eyes sweep from head to toe, steadily, not lingering in any one place. Strangely, I don't feel like I'm half naked, though I definitely am. 

"Well, we came to see Jim and Jax, but there are also some things we'd like to discuss with you as well." He says as his eyes come to rest on my face once again. 

"We. Who exactly is'we'?" I ask him, suspiciously. He steps aside and I watch as the prez and two of his goonies step up behind him. These brothers don't have the same constraint and their eyes stray directly to my breasts.

"Were you ever involved with the Reapers in any way?" Prez asks.

My eyes widen, and I lose the grip on my coffee cup, barley hearing it hit the floor. I smile and watch as all the men take a step back. 

How the hell did they find out?

"Who wants to know?"I ask as calmly as possible, locking eyes with the prez, not backing down, and refusing to be submissive. 

"Yo, thing 1 and thing 2. My eyes are up here, jackasses." I growl, snapping my fingers at these unidentified idiots standing in my house, eye fucking me. The two dolts look up at me sheepishly and I roll my eyes.

"They're looking for someone named Skye Jefferson. We gather that's you. Wanna tell us why they're looking for you?" He says, eyeing me carefully. 

"No, because I have no idea why they would be looking for me now." I look at him unflinchingly, and lie. 

"You're lying." Cameron buts in. I growl in response.

I roll my eyes and turn to walk away, getting on the elevator. Once again, I'm running from my problems, like I have been since I was 16. I close my eyes and lean back against the elevator wall. 

Lucifer, will this ever end? 

I'm so lost in my thoughts that I don't notice I'm not alone, until my door refuses to close. Looking up I see Cameron and raise my eyebrows. I'm suddenly too tired to fight. 

"What do you want?" I ask him, blocking the door so he can't enter. What he says next, shocks me to my core.

"I don't care if you fucked with the Dark Devils' rival years ago, I want to help you." He states. I just stare at him, unblinking, not believing a word.

"It's time to stop running, and you can't face them alone." He reasons.

I stare at him a minute longer, searching his eyes. Satisfied with what I see, I swing the door open and gesture him in. I grab a robe to wrap around myself and turn to address the man in my front room.  

"Have a seat." I tell him and sit on the opposite chair. I open my mouth to speak but, he beats me to it.

"I have an idea."


Hi guys! No apologies this time. This is just a filler, I'll update ASAP.
Hope you enjoy! 


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