Chapter (3)

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I looked at him for a second before looking away, asking him something. 

"D-does your demon have a... name?" I manage to ask. I look back at him, flushed with embarrassment. He looked... uncomfortable. Like I just asked him the worst thing.

"Y-yes. His name is," he paused for a second, looking down, then back up, staring straight into my eyes, "Blurryface."

I felt a shiver down my spine. His words sounded cold. It showed he really hates his demon. Blurryface...

We sat there in silence for a few minutes. It wasn't a awkward silence. It was a peaceful, relaxing silence. Then I looked back at him feeling something... different when he looked back at me. I felt a flutter in my stomach. I didn't understand it, but I was blushing when I started to pay attention a little more. I have no clue how long I was blushing for. Maybe about two minutes. He laughed through his nose, saying, "You're cute when you blush." 

I looked away, my face as red as a tomato. I pulled out my phone, checking the time. My eyes widened as I started to panic. 9:26. 

"I have to go home, sorry Tyler! I will pass my curfew, see you later!" I say, hopping off his bed and quickly running out his bedroom door. He waved bye before I exited his room, and I ran down his stairs as fast as possible. I quickly went out his front door, getting in my car and putting the key in the ignition. I quickly drove home so I wouldn't get in trouble. 

The past week was pretty much the same. We've been hanging out a ton. I, for once, genuinely smiled everytime I saw him. I think he did the same. But today, he said he has to show me something. I quickly went to his house, arriving as soon as possible in my car. When I got out of my car, closing the door behind me, I saw Tyler waiting on the porch again. Finally noticing me, he ran up to me, wrapping me in a tight hug, causing me to return it. He stared at my blue eyes for a minute, making me stare at his chocolate eyes back. He always described my eyes as the deep blue ocean. 'You could get lost in those, there's so many mysteries in those eyes,' as I remember what he said. He seems so poetic... I don't know why I think that but he does. I started blushing, looking away. We were still in the driveway.

"Come with me," he says, grabbing my hand gently. He guides me along, taking me to what he wants to show me. He walked into the dark green forest behind his house, taking me with him. I could smell pine in the small breeze that was blowing. I loved the smell of pine. The trees were tall, blocking most of the sun. When I finally payed attention again is when he let go of my hand, pointing at this wooden structure.

It was like a treehouse, just not in a tree. On the bright green grass that was in the forest instead. He gestures me to come inside. 

He opens the dark wooden door, letting me in, following in after me. We walk in and I look around. There were carvings. Some had emotions: Fear, sadness, etc. some had what his voices were telling. There were more than just that though. 

"This is... crazy," I state, looking at him. 

He leans against the wall, looking back at me, "I come here to be alone. To escape the world. I always carve on the walls to help me too.

By the way, I got you something." 

He is faking it. He just feels sorry for you. My voice says.

I feel the salt tears well up, but I shake my head to knock them away.

He walks over to a cardboard box, leaning down and grabbing a notebook and pencil. He walks up to me, handing me them. "You told me a few days ago you filled up your other one," he says. I took it, opening it before I could see the cover. It had a lot of pages. I closed it, seeing the cover. The cover had... a picture of us. The picture we took when we just started hanging out. 

"T-thank you," I say. He smiles, making my heart go insane. I smile back, placing the notebook on the table that was in the... fort? I guess thats what it technically is. Suddenly, my phone rings. 

"Hold on," I say. I turn around, taking the phone out of my pocket, answering the call. 

"Hello?" I say. 

"Sorry to interrupt but I need your help back at home," I hear my mom say.

I sigh, "Okay, I'm coming..." 

I hung up, sticking the phone back in my pocket. 

"I ha-" he interrupts.

"I heard..." 

"Well I guess," I turn around getting ready to leave, "I sho-"

I feel a hand grab my arm. Tyler's hand. I turn back around to face him, suprised to see our faces are inches apart. He quickly leans in, closing the gab in between our lips. He puts his hand behind my head. I was screaming inside. I have never loved someone in my life. I think I'm falling in love. He lips were on mine, and I could feel the softness of them. They tasted... sweet. He pulled away, blushing. 

"S-sorr-" I stop him by putting his forehead on mine. We were face to face. 

"Don't be sorry," I smile. I go in for another kiss, this time he wraps his arms around my back, pulling me closer. I put my arms around his neck, embracing us. He grazed his teeth across my bottom lip, making my heart jump. His lips felt so much softer than anyone could imagine. We both enjoy kissing for about one minute before I realize I have to head home.

I pull away this time, and wave goodbye. I start to head home. All I could think about was that I kissed Tyler Joseph, my 'friend.' Whom now I'm hoping it can be more than that. Then I remember the phone call I had with Mom. What does my mom need help with? 

Our Demons- A Tyler Joseph FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now