Really, dude?

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I ligtly slap my cheeks, in order to try to wake myself up from the transe I was in. Who even cares about a random guy who walked into the classroom?

"Good morning, class.", says a hoarse voice. Mr. Jones, our biology teacher walks into the classroom wearing his typical blue shirt and large brown pants. He should go to one of those fashion consultations with an expert, because... DAMN, that's bad taste. For a forty-year-old guy, he should have learned something by now. There are rumors about he still living with his aunt. Although that's none of my business, sometimes I feel tempted to tell him straight in the face that he should look better in the mirror, in the morning, when he dresses himself.

"Open your books on page 126, let's begin from where we ended yesterday.".

Third sigh. Ugh, this is getting annoying. The boredom itself is becoming boring. Biology isn't really my cup of tea, so I don't make an intense effort to have good grades at this subject, I just do enough as to not fail. One thing that really confuses me is: why do we have to learn things that don't even make sense for our future or things that we know we won't need? It becomes ridiculous being in classes we know we won't use in the future. Oh, well. I can't miss classes, so, I just have to endure it.

The bell rings. Hallelujah. I grab my notebook and my pen (yes, the only two things i actually use during classes, haha) and instantly leave the room. I robotically drive myself into the cafeteria, because I can't cope a day of school without a good strong expresso.

- The usual, dear? - asks the chubby lady from the cafeteria. I nod and she smiles lightly. I think she has hopes for me. That someday I'll start being all smiles and cheers to her. She might be disappointed...

As I turn, I abruptly collide with a fragile body, spilling the cup of coffee all over my shirt.

- Really, dude?? - I say annoyed, maybe a bit too loud.

I look up to find two dark brown eyes staring, confused, at me. It's the guy I saw earlier. I feel kind of bad. He must be new here and facing an awkward situation like this on his first day must be terrifying. I watch his facial expression changing from confused to... empty. Literally, all I see is conptempt.

I open my mouth to speak and he leaves. Just like that. Turns his back on me and disappears through the people in the cafeteria.

What the hell?

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