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.Beca's point of view.

,,Tell me everything about your father." Stacie tells me, while sitting across from me on my bed.

,,Do I have to? I hate him."

,,Beca, you've promised me. You tell me everything or you can look for another place to stay."

,,Okay, okay, I'll tell you." I sigh deep and see that day back again in my head.

,,I'm sorry Jordan, but I have to go home. My mom is waiting to take Hayley and me to the zoo." I look to my best friend and he nods.

,,Have fun." He gives me a hug and we both separate in our own ways. I open the front door and expect to see my dad in the kitchen, but it's empty. Where the hell is he? I try to call him, but immediately I go to his voicemail. The same thing happen when I call my mothers phone. What's wrong? Where the hell are they?

,,Dad? Are you at home?" I walk through the different rooms, but don't see him anywhere. I walk upstairs and look in his study, but he isn't there. I walk into the master bedroom, but don't see my father or mother in here. I don't understand! Where the hell are those two? ,,Mom? Dad?" Suddenly I startle because of the screaming of my mother. It came from the bathroom! I run to the door and try to open it, but it's locked. ,,Mom, are you okay?" No sound. ,,Mom? Open this door, so I can help you!" Still nothing and anxiety begins to gnaw at me. I start knocking hard, but she doesn't open. What happened with her inside? I need to go in! I run down the stairs and quickly open the draw underneath the oven. The key, where is the key?! For every room we have a key, my father thought it was a good idea, but it isn't. I keep looking and finally after an hour I find the key, hidden under a notebook. I grab the key and run back upstairs, to the bathroom door, but it is now open ajar. I walk softly to the door and open it slowly with my right hand. ,,Mom? Are you okay?" I ask once again, but still no answer. ,,Mom?" The door is opened now, but I don't like what I see. ,,Oh my god, mom!" I drop the key and run to her. There's blood on her head and not a little but a lot. I fall on my knees and I try to stop the bleeding, but its not working. I grab her pulse, but don't feel a heartbeat. Now I start to panic and shake her body. ,,Dad!" I yell and take my mom in my arms. ,,Dad, come quick."

,,What happened?" He ask me.

,,I don't know. She's not breathing, we need to do something!" I say and look at him. He's standing in the doorway and don't come any closer. It's like he doesn't care. ,,Dad, we need to do something! We can't just sit here and -" I stop talking, when I see bruises. Holy shit, you have to be kidding me! I know he hit her, but not this bad! I put my mom down and stand up. ,,You did this to her?!" I ask yelling. ,,Don't deny it, I can see the bruises!"

,,I didn't killed her, she was still alive an hour ago."

,,Yes, but you let her lie here for one whole hour! How could you go that far?!" He just looks at me and doesn't say anything. ,,I hate you!" I say and run away. I can't see my mom anymore, she's dead and that's my fathers fault!

,,Wow, that's really terrible news." Stacie looks at me. ,,Your father who killed your mother? For what reason? And why did you ran away?"

,,I couldn't see her like that anymore and I didn't want to be in the same room as him."

,,He told you she was still alive right?"

,,Yeah, but he left her for one hour. She was bleeding Stacie, he had to do something, but he didn't. He just left her, he didn't care at all and now she's dead because of him."

,,Attempt to murder... how many years is that for prison?"

,,I don't know, but I haven't told the police."

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