Chapter 2

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Staring the stupid baby-looking, neck-breaking, motherfucker in the eyes, you begin to feel like going back to the void. Out of literally every other SCP, it had to be this one.

Looking at the string connecting your hands to it's body, you squint. You only had one, connecting to it's mid-back.

You pull it along as you walk to a clean corner of it's cell, avoiding the questionable crimson stains and ignoring the start-stop movement of the teleporting little fuck behind you. A loud voice blasts through the speakers, startling you.

"Open the door. Class-D personnel, please step into the containment cell."

The four people step in, 3 men and 1 woman, all dressed in bright orange jumpsuits with a numerical code printed on the back in bold white lettering.

You tap your chin, wondering what you should do. Kill, or spare? Killing seems like a lot of fun, and would help you blend in. Actually, why hasn't anyone noticed you yet?

That question can be saved for later.

"Class-D personnel: remember to keep an eye on 173 as you clean, and clean satisfactorily. You have ten minutes."

You keep a close watch on their eyes, waiting for your chance. Right as their eyes shift, you pull 173 closer to one of the men, the back of his jumpsuit reading 'D-44868'. You get cut off by a blaring siren screech, lights flashing red on and off. The door opens and the speaker turns on again, broadcasting a message.

"There has been a major containment breach. SCP-682 has destroyed the generators, leading to a power outage. Please hide until further instructed."

You get over the startling noise and drag 173 over to the guy, his neck quickly getting broken.

The girl whirls around at the sound, her eyes wide. Tears well up in her eyes and she shouts what you could assume was the guy's name.

"Jonathan! No!" One of the other guys grabs her arm, and another stays behind, supposedly to watch 173 carefully. His amber eyes were interesting to you. He makes eye contact, and you could see well-hidden ill intent and some sort of twisted enjoyment in his situation.


He saw you?!

You narrow your eyes at him and he checks behind him, perfectly uncaring of the threat that you control. Turning back as he now knows that the other two are gone, he laughs. Not a normal laugh, but an anime antagonist laugh.

He looks back at you and smirks, removing the top of his jumpsuit and revealing a body with a very different skin tone to his head. The serial number on the top was 81087.

You stare at him, asking very awkwardly, "So, you can, uh, see me?"

His smirk grows and his eyes squint a bit, causing him to emit an aura of amused menace. He stays silent.

"I'm gonna take that as a yes. Um, I'll be honest, you are super fucking intimidating, so I'm gonna leave."
You feel small under his overwhelming presence, and when you walk out of the cell with 173, he begins to talk.

"So, you're bringing your pet. It seems like it's getting controlled by that string in it's chest, no?"

"Well I need some form of protection. And yeah, that's how I'm able to control it."

You tried to walk away faster, as his intimidation tactics (also known as being really fucking weird) had just made you reveal more than you really wanted. You could hear his footsteps, but luckily they were moving away from you. You sigh in relief  and walk away, 173 following behind. You stuck to the shadows and made the bumblefuck behind you do the same thing, avoiding as many personnel as possible. You went to most of the rooms you could, intent on finding one room in particular. The last room you checked was exactly what you were looking for, but 5 scientists were there as well.

The employee lounge.

You open the door, sauntering in and shouting "What's up you fuck-sluts!" To the world.

There were 4 people in the room, but none of them noticed you. You sigh, disappointed. You walk over to them and tap their shoulders, quickly pulling 173 to behind them. The one who you tapped turns, and shrieks at a deafening level, jumping back and running for the door. The others quickly join, creating a mad scramble for escape. They got stuck trying to shove past each other in the tight doorways. Sighing once more, you bring 173 to them and watch, wincing with every sharp crack emanating from their necks. It had to be done.

After all, they​ were blocking the door. That's a safety hazard.

After moving them out of the door by lifting them with your foot, you walk back into the room and go to the vending machine, picking up a metal chair that was laying around. You slam it into the glass once, and the glass shatters.

"Huh. Normally it takes more than one swing."

You shrug and reach into the machine, managing to avoid the sharp glass edges that lined the display.

You grab a bag of chips, running away as fast as you could, in hope that 173 would scare off any visitors.

He didn't scare them off.

He murdered them.

That's a big oof, but at this point you were just trying to leave the main area. You tripped on a piece of human, savagely eaten. You scream, trying not to hit the ground as you flail about.

You couldn't break your own face because you tripped on a dead guy, that would suck!

You continue screaming, realizing soon after that the ground wasn't coming any closer. You poke it, effectively making yourself float up into the air.

"Wuh!" Was your big brain, 300 IQ response. You made other primal noises of wonder, trying to swim through the air. It was surprisingly effective. Well it was, until you were flipped by the string as it pulled you back to 173's stupid body.

Your heart stopped as you saw the pale, skinny body of the shyest little big boy.

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