My Luna

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 The Omega's Story                                                                                            Edited 26/2/14

My Luna                                                                                                                 Published 21/4/14

After three hours of running at top speed we reached the border of Chases territory and I was a little behind the rest of the pack but Chase was keeping an eye on me running back evey few minutes. Karma seemed to be lost in thought and Lexi was just running with me she didnt seem to show any regret about leaving her pack and mate.

When we crossed the boarder three wolves jumped out at Lexi and I. Two were males and the other was a small female who seemed to be in charge and telling the others what to do. The wolves jumped infront of Lexi andd I growling and snapping at us bearing their canines.

When we didn't show any sign of fear or submission one of them snapped at Lexis foot and she whimpered slightly before growling back at the male wolf with a brown and blonde coat. The wolf growled back and snapped again at her front paw grabbing it in his mouth until we heard a harsh sickening snap. Lexi howled in pain and I jumped infront of her bearing my teeth at the wolves infront of me. I snapped at the other males ear this one had a blonde coat and black ear. The small female wolf leapt at me growling and even though she was half my size she managed to push me over. Whilst I was down the male with the blond and brown coat went over to Lexi and held her throat down with his paw so she couldn't escape. The other male held me down as the female wolf scratched at my stomach where my scars would  have been in human form.

Within minutes I was covered in blood and I couldnt help but release one last painfilled howl. Just as I began to loose consciousness a wolf that I immediatly knew was Chase leapt of of the  bushes growling at the three wolves holding us captive the wolf holding Lexi took his paw away from her neck but it was to late she had already passed out from lack of oxygen. The two wolves holding me down don't let go if anything they attack me harder forcing me to black out but not before I see Chase leap at the two wolves holding me down.

Vision-Present dream.

In my vision/dream I'm on a small silver hill surrounded by snow covered pine trees. Snow is still falling from the sky and in a swirl of snow five people appear in front of me. There are two women in long silver dresses a girl around 16 dreesed in a floor length dress of the purest white and two men wearing a pair of black pants and white shirts.

"Raven darling look how you've grown into a beautiful young women" The first women asks her dark blue eyes glistening with tears.

"Mum?' I ask knowing it was a dumb question because everything about this women was familiar to me.

"Yes my Darling I apologise for the events that just occured but they were nesecary. We all have something to say to you because you have a difficult choice ahead of you soon. Let us explain a few things okay sweety?"

I look around at the others and relise they are all people i have known like my father, mum, Luna Beth, the old Alpha and their daughter.

"The Moon Goddess told us we all had something to tell a you because it will make a difference in the choices you make" Luna Bethany said her voice as soft as ever

"I guess I will start aye, well my Little Hope I guess I will tell you the part you wont be able to survive without right? Well there are two types of leaders the ones who follow their hearts and the ones that do whats right for the others around them. But the best leaders are the ones who can lead both ways and also think in the position of all the people around them..... you must remember that when your time comes my little Hope." My father tells me smiling sadly

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