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The Next Morning
Y/n completely heal and we decided that y/n can go back to our college.
And that also start that y/n is my official girlfriend.

When heading the school gates, i hold her hand tightly and turn to look at her.
Aww... shes blushing and look cutes.

Then, after we holding our hands together, i saw a certain girls started to give a death glares towards us especially towards y/n.

"Erm....jungkook-ah.. the girls looking towards us... im scared.. " she says and try to let go of my hand.

"Its okay. Just ignore them... just stay like this and hold my hands. Lets go to our class." I say and hold her hand again.

Im so relieved that we have a class together all the times, so i can easily watched her and protected her from all my fans.

Break Time
"Y/n, lets go to the cafe... i treat you." As i say that and give her a warm smile and thats i can see she respond to it and give a sweet smile.
Arrived at cafe,
"Jungkook-ah, i need to go to the restroom for a while... bye.. " y/n says and turn away from me.

"Okay,y/n. Be careful.." i look toward her and hope that nothing bad will happend.

In restroom, when i washed my hands, suddenly there a three girls went inside to the restroom and the two of them blocked the way out of the restroom while the one and looks like a leader comes towards me.

"Are you y/n? Am i right? Wow.. youre look so different compared the past ... hahhaa."that girl say with a devil laughed.

"Who are you? And, did you know me? What you mean i different in past? " i ask her with my widen ees and curious.

"Hahahha... i guess, you dont remember your past right? Hahha... well, my name is YunHee.. im your childhood friends together with Jungkook then.." she reply and give a warm smile but i can see that smile its little bit like she hiding something from me.

"Ouh, really? How can i dont remember that. Im so sorry. And wah.. did you friends with Jungkook too? The three of us, are friends? " i ask she again.

"Yeay... but, i really...wonder that,how can you still be friend with Jungkook right now and be his girlfriend even after what he's doing to you at that times. Im so pitied at you." She says and looks at me with her can i say her pity eyes?
"What? What do you mean? What jungkook already done to me?" I ask her again and without realised i shout at her.

"Wow...calm down, babygirl. Let me remind you. Cuz i also at there when that 'shit' happend. Hurm... Did Jungkook told you that he really closed with your parents? And.. hurm.. okay let straight to the points. At that time... i think, aaaa.. at the bridge, yea... you suddenly confessed your feelings and hahaha u know what, youre just at 8 years old.. but you already confessed ? Hahha nevermind, lets continue... then after you confessed it... Did you know what Jungkook give a feedback towards you? " after she explain,she ask back and want me to answered it.

"Erm.. what? Tell me... " i ask curiously and at the same time feel scared on what will she say after that.

"Hahaha.. he say thah he doesn like you at all.. and the most shocked is... he says that he be your friend its because he just pity at you cuz you seem like dont have a friend at that time. Haahah... and about that Jungkook being closed with your parents its just an acting you know.. because he just want to show to them that he was really be a good friend to you. " she continued it.

"...but, how can u sure he like that? How did you know all of that? Just answered me..!" I start to shout at her.

"Kyaa! I know him so well from our childhood times. Its because i know him first and my parents with his parents are really closed with each other. And you know what, i actually really dont like you started from that times. Why? Its because i really dont like that you looks like want Jungkook attention. And now?? You're his girlfriend??? Hahha.. what the hell.... " she says with sarcastic laugh.

"And yea... let me remind you one more things. Actually, Jungkook will become my partner of my life. Why? Its because we're will enggaged in the next months. Hahahaha... so just leave him alone, slut." YunHee say it again.

"What? Slut? Kyaaa... im not slut! And why i must believed you! " i answered it and try to get out from that placed but, i feel a sudden hand grips and pull it back. And it makes my back hit the wall.

"Kyaa, listen bitch... i want you stay away from him or else.. you will get what you will get. Example like this...!" After she say, she give a strong kicks towards my stomach and it makes me flinched in pain.

"Girls, leta go.. im done with this bitch.." then she and her gang went out and leave me alone with pain here.

How could you,Jungkook.... why you doing this to me....

And thats when i try to hold my pain.. suddenly a flashback comes....including my past..and thats when i see when i confessed my feeling.. and yeay.. its true what YunHee say that Jungkook rejected me.


Why she so long in that restroom? Did anything happen? Hurmm why i feel so uneasy bout that? Y/n.. come on....

And thats, i see her figured. Im so relieved that nothing happen to her but why i see that her looks like so sad?

"Y/n... why?why you looks so sad?" I ask her gently and try to hold her face but im shocked cuz she avoid it.

"Nothing... just lets eat." She answered with low voice and i can feel something wrong happend when she at restroom but i just wait till the right times to ask again bout it. Maybe at home..

Skipped Time
At home.

When arrived at home, i see she faster her move and started to went to her room but i hold her hands immediately.

"Why you looks so different after you came out from the restroom? Did anything happen? Tell me... " i ask her and just ignored that my hyung were there , turns their direction towards us.

"I hate you, Jungkook. Why you lie to me?? Huh... like me? Love me? Hahaha.. such a liar! " y/n shouted at me and that makes me and my hyungs shocked with her action.

"What? Liar? What are you talking bout y/n? I dont freaking understand what are you talking bout... " i try to calm her down and want her explanation.

"Dont act like you didnt know anything, dude. Did you remember that i confessed my feeling towards you when we're 8 years old? And thats you're rejected me and states that you' re dont like me.. you hates me.. and the most freaking know what? You just say that you being friends with me its because you're pity at me! I hate you!" She explained it with tears already formed in her eyes.

How can? What? Did she remembered it already? But how?

"When..... did you remembered it? And how?..." i ask her again.

"See... its true right? And now why you tell me that you will enggaged to someone else??! To YunHee? Our chilhood friends?? And one more things... i really hate you because infront my parents too... you acting like this! You're act that youre my bestfriends after all.. i hate you... " she says and leave me in shock...

So did YunHee tell her? Omg.. why im so stupid and forgot that YunHee also school with me and y/n. YunHee... did you really went this far.. im not going to let you go, you're freaking slut!

"Ya.. jungkook-ah... what happened? Did we missed something? " Suga hyung ask me with his sleepy eyes.

"YunHee tell the lies to y/n, hyung. And guess what, y/n believed it. Its because she also remembered that past when i rejected her and tell her that i dont like her at all.. but hyung, at that time.. i have too... i dont have a choice.. i just.. hurm.. i want to save and protect her at that time. " i say and looks down and without realised, my eyes started fills with tears..

"Calm down,maknae... just let her be a lone for a while.. im sure that the others memories will comes and thats she will realised that you're act nice and honest to be friend with her. " Suga hyung give a warm smile and patted my back.

I love you, y/n. I reall do.

To be continue

I'm Sorry But I Love You //Jungkook x Reader// [Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now