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Info- Starts when Seb is 16, during junior year. That's all, enjoy!

Sebastian's P.O.V

I saw you the other day. I smiled and waved at you. I don't think you noticed, you were hanging out with your friends. Of course you didn't notice.

~~~~~~ 1 years later~~~~~

I saw you yesterday at the park, I don't think you saw me then either. I didn't wave, I just smiled.  You were on your phone and We both know how important that is.

~~~~ 6 months later ~~~~~
My mom talked to your mom, she told me that you were doing good. She also told me that I need to talk to you. I want to, I really want to.

But I can't.

~~~~ 3 months later ~~~~

We were talking, just like normal people. We graduated high school last month. Man what a thrill! At the moment, we were together, eating ice cream on your front porch watching the cars drive by. Everybody told me that after I asked you out, the nerves would subside. Yet, the butterflies were running marathons in my stomach.

~~~~ 4 years later ~~~~~~~

It was our wedding day. The fairy lights and table sets were eye-catching, but you my dear. You looked absolutely breathtaking.

During our vows you cried, but so did I. The kiss was the lock to our relationship. A kiss in which I shall never forget.

~~~~~ 6 years later~~~~

Some girl came up to me the other day, she was cute. She wanted to get to know me better. I told her that I was fine and that I was waiting for you. Don't give me that look. I am fine.

You didn't show and she ended up sitting with me. I didn't say anything to her though, she did most of the talking and yeah, she was cute, but she wasn't you.

~~~~~ 1 week later ~~~~

My friends the other day were clowning me, they said that I need to move on, to get over you. Can you believe that! My own friends! So what did I do? I left. I grabbed my phone off the table and left. I talked to you about it, you understood saying it was time to let go.

I couldn't. So I stayed.

(A/n: These are daily entries now)

You grandparents went to visit you, they brought you flowers and you gushed at how beautiful they were. We laughed in the silence, enjoying the moment while it was still there.


The stars were shining bright tonight. I always loved the stars, but now as I look at them. I think of you and for some odd reason that makes me sad.


We never had children. We talked about having one, but you left. I don't remember when, or how, but you disappeared. One second you were here and the next you weren't. You're weird. Your parents are weird.

Your dad doesn't like to talk to me anymore, he says that I remind him too much of you. I told him that he reminded me of you too, but that just seemed to upset him even more.


I went to visit you today, I got you some nice red roses. They were always your favorite. Along with the white daisies. You would pick them and make flower crowns. You made me one once, and I never told you this, but I kept it. And till this very second... I still have it.


Yesterday we watched titanic together and you loved the ship. When it was over, you played some music and started dancing. I wanted to join you, but I couldn't. I wanted to watch you, adorn myself into every step you took, and I did. I watched you twirl and swirl until my eye-lids felt heavy. They shut, leaving me in the darkness with nothing to watch.


I woke up in a hospital bed, I became scared and nauseous. The last time I was here, I lost you. You were asleep on one of these beds and you had tubes coming out of you everywhere. The doctors said that you were in a car crash, the shock was inevitable, but it soon passed. When your mother asked when you were going to wake up, the doctors said that you weren't.

After some time, they finally took the tubes out, but the heart monitor made such an awful noise. Your mom was crying, Your dad was crying, I was crying. Everyone was crying. I had felt too much at the time. My thoughts were jumbled and I needed an escape. It's been awhile now and the pain is gone. I'm numb and I feel much better this way.

A nurse walked in and asked me how I felt, "Sebastian, are you okay?"

I shrugged, "I'm fine."

She sighed and pulled out a seat to sit next to my bed, "Your mother told me that you're going to the cemetery a lot. Why?"

No, it was not a cemetery, it was your new home. That's the only place I get to visit you. All the other times we hang out is because you're visiting me. That's how it works, but no one seems to get that.

"I have to visit my y/n, she gets lonely."

This is the worst thing I could've said, but at the moment I wasn't thinking about anything else, but you.

~~~ 1 year later~~~

To my love,

My heart was filled when I was with you. When you died it deflated and I died with you. At the time I didn't realize it, but I was no one. Just a dead waste of space. I can't even remember how I got by. If I'm being honest, most of my life without you, was a blur. A blur that is gone now. I have the doctors to thank that for. I have a good job now, and my own apartment. Don't get jealous, but theres this girl, I think I'm starting to like her. Her husband died too, guess that's how we connect. She knows what it feels like to be lost. I'm writing this letter to say goodbye to you. The doctors said this was the best thing to do, so I'm doing it. I wish you the best my y/n, and hopefully one day we will meet again. I'm sorry that it had to be this way and if I could, I would take the hit for you, but unfortunately life doesn't work that way. So here's my goodbye to you. My love, my beautiful, lovely y/n, I promise to always bring you flowers. The red roses you so dearly loved. I promise to keep that wilted old flower crown, no matter where it ends up. I promise to smile up at the stars, knowing you'll be there to see it once more. I promise to hold the memory of you dancing, forever. And my y/n, my biggest promise to you is to always remember how incredible you were and I will always keep you in the warmth of my heart, for all eternity, for the rest of my life. With my deepest regrets I say goodbye to you. For once and for all, I love you y/n.
Good bye.

Your love, Sebastian

Sebastian Stan ~ Imagines/One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now