Too Good To Be True

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Nothing. All day. No alarms, no alerts, not even a warning. Jump City had been perfectly safe all day. Everyone had chosen to spend it differently. Initially Star had tried to get everyone to go to the mall with her. She only managed to convince Robin, but she seemed plenty satisfied with that. Cyborg decided to upgrade the T-Car with some spare part he had just gotten. 

This left only Beast Boy and Raven, who both chose to spend their time in the living room. Beast Boy watched TV while Raven read her latest book. Beast Boy thought now might be the best chance he would get to make a move with her. She sat in the center of the couch while Beast Boy sat on the end. He knew he'd have to be subtle, bigger gestures didn't exactly work with her. 

He spent what felt hours inching further along the couch to get closer to her, pretending to pay attention to his channel surfing. After a good eternity had passed he had reached her. Slowly and more carefully than he had ever been for any task before, he gently place his left arm on the couch behind his cloaked teammate. 

To his surprise nothing happened. She didn't tell him to move, knock his arm back, or push him off the couch. To even more of his surprise after a few minutes she leaned into him, her eyes not breaking contact with her book. He stared straight ahead, still pretending to watch TV, but internally freaking out. With the rest of his courage he had he slowly moved his left arm from the couch to resting on Raven.

Again nothing, not even a protest or insult. If he wasn't losing it before, he most certainly was now. They stayed like that for another eternity or two until Raven turned her head to face Beast Boy. He slowly looked back to her nervously, managing a smile. Then she closed her eyes and started to lean in. Beast Boy gulped, both more nervous and excited than he had ever been. Suddenly- THUD

Beast Boy lay on the floor, hunched with only his calves and his face making contact with the ground. He slowly and groggily lifted his head and looked around. It was his room, morning light just beginning to seep in. He let out a whining groan and let his head hit the floor again. He let out a muffled, defeated "Damn." It was a dream. Again.

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