Losing It

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Everything was going fine. Normal day, plenty of hanging at T Tower and stopping Dr. Light from robbing a bank, same old same old. 

Then something happened. No-one knew what exactly, but Beast Boy separated from the group for a bit and come back seemingly disappointed. Whatever it was he wasn't himself anymore, everyone could feel it. Normally he was the one working to cheer everyone else up. Now it was they're turn to return the favor, and no-one knew how. 

They returned to the tower after trying to visit Beast Boy's favorite places in the town, he was still silent and distant. The team gathered in the living room, excluding BB, who retreated to his room once they arrived. This had never happened. Robin began a meeting with the remaining Titans to find out how to help their green teammate. 

Shortly after the meeting began Raven excused herself, making up and excuse about sorting her latest books. Truth was she knew the most obvious solution was the right one, see Beast Boy and ask him. She approached the messy room carefully after seeing the open door, he hadn't seemed to have noticed. 

Suddenly she could feel a flurry of emotions emanating from the room. Despair, sadness, annoyance, but above all, Frustration. Anger. She moved closer and got a visual of the source. There stood Garfield, well more accurately there paced Gar. That anger Raven sensed before was practically palpable now, even without her powers. 

He was practically pulling his hair out as he paced and seemed to be ranting to nobody. No, arguing, and he was providing both sides. Whatever it was about was damn near killing him. The empath knew she had to act now. Stepping inside quickly and carefully she approached the changeling's back. He had stopped pacing, but now he was stood in front of his window.

She stood less than a foot from him now, but before she could act he turned. Suddenly he was frozen in shock, then those emotions she had sensed so strongly before were covered. Now most prominent were embarrassment and shame. 

"R-rae, hey," He started, "How, uh, how long have you been there?" 

"Long enough, I suppose." She replied simply.

"Right." he stated looking down now. She knew this pattern, this was where he would start to feel bad for himself, then he would try to hide himself for weeks after. No. She wouldn't let that happen, not this time. 

She grabbed either side of his face forcing him to look at her and she pulled him to her, kissing him with as much emotion she could without blowing something up. She pulled away and examined his expression. She knew that look, she's never get tired of that look. The look of shock as he didn't know what to do with himself. She smirked softly removing her hood and filled the silence, "You know, you're pretty cute when you get all intense." He grinned at that and her own smile grew as he pulled her into a hug. 

"Hey Rae?" He asked not pulling from the embrace.

"Hm?" She replied

"Don't leave." 

"Didn't plan on it."

Beast Boy sighed in relief and grinned once more.

A/N: I see that these stories aren't the best, but I'm open to suggestion. Hell, you can leave a comment with a song and I'll try to make a chapter based around that.

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