Title: The Shining Eun Soo
Genre: Family
Episodes: 120
Synopsis: The tale of former teacher and student, Eun Soo and Bit Na, who meet again years later after they married brothers, Soo Ho and Soo Hyun. Their intertwined destiny even goes to their parents as well, who remarries each other.
Main Casts: Lee Young Eun, Park Ha Na, Kim Dong Joon, Choi Jung Won.
KDramas of 2016
AcakLet's search for our favorite Korean Dramas year of 2016! Proper credits to the rightful owner of the information: http://wiki.d-addicts.com/List_of_Dramas_aired_in_Korea_by_Network_in_2016 HIGHEST RANKING: #01 in kdramas #13 in movies #182 in korean